Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Blood pressure

Blood pressure is the measurement of the pressure of the blood in the artery. A high or low blood pressure is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Blood pressure has a normal range which is 120/80 mm Hg. The highest value of normal range is reached when the  heart muscle contracts and pumps blood, a cycle called systole.The lowest value of normal range is reached when the  the heart relaxes and refills with blood, a cycle called diastole. Based on the circumstances the blood pressure of a person may vary. Blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg is considered as high.  A high blood pressure can put your arteries , muscles and heart at risk. It can also affect eyes kidneys and legs .It can also end up in stroke and heart attacks. The blood pressure of a person do not remain constant throughout the day. It fluctuates depending on the work done, the amount of fluid in the body , medicines in the blood stream and time of the day. It also varies with emotions sleep and exercise.


The blood pressure is measure using a sphygmomanometer. It uses the height of a column of mercury to reflect the circulating pressure and is measured in millimetres of mercury. Today full automated digital blood pressure monitors are also available which makes it easier to check the BP at home without the help of a doctor or medical practitioner.

A high blood preassure is also called hypertension. There are many factors that contribute to hypertension. They are being overweight, reduced or lack of  physical activity, consumption of alcohol, smoking old age and stress. Family history of high blood pressure is also generally a factor for hypertension. An undiagnosed and untreated hypertension can lead to  coronary heart disease (CHD). Hypertension can be prevented or reduced by following a healthy lifestyle. Choices like regular exercise, balanced diet with reduced salt and fat, eating  plenty of vegetables and fruits, quitting smoking and alcohol consumption and maintaining a healthy weight  etc can help cntrol high blood pressure.



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