Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Bariatric Surgery: Procedures

Bariatric Surgery

Unwanted weight gain has become a life threatening aspect in the recent past. Losing weight and making drastic changes in lifestyle has now become a necessity for those who tend to gain extra kilos by the pass of every day. Bariatric surgery is a common treatment procedure used to solve health related issues that are associated with excessive weight gain. Critical conditions of such disorders are treated by surgical procedures that involve altering the whole digestive system. Our weight loss surgical procedures are tailored to satisfy the requirements of individual patients. A dedicated team of bariatric nutrition specialists, trained physiotherapist, psychologist, anesthetist, bariatric surgeons, cardiologist and physician who offer the best services and comprehensive care right from the evaluation process to the follow up stage. Being highly equipped with the advanced state of art devices for bariatric surgery, it provides prime concern to patient privacy and comfort when undergoing weight loss treatment in the hospital.

How does bariatric surgery become successful for weight loss?

The bariatric bypass techniques enhance the early sensation of fullness thereby reducing excessive food intake
Decreased absorption of food after critical gastric bypass surgeries
Conversion of extra fat to glucose for body requirement enhancing weight loss
Reduction in size of the abdomen by surgery reduces food intake

Bariatric Surgical procedures are:

Gastric Banding
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
Gastric bypass surgery
Duodenal switch surgery
Biliopancreatic diversions

Apart from the above mentioned surgical procedures, Manipal Hospital provides special medical management techniques and excellent patient support groups to render unconditional support and help to families and relatives of the patient. Type II diabetes, increased cholesterol, stress, hypertension and sleep disorders are caused due to morbid obesity. A combination of the right exercise regime and proper diet after bariatric surgery is what we recommend to achieve the desired level of weight loss.

We not only concentrate on losing weight when treating such patients. Gaining that extra will power and skill to keep away the aspects causing weight gain is an added task that we consider important. With quality treatment by our experienced professionals in the Bariatric space and excellence in patient care, Manipal Hospital is a place where you can approach and gain treatment for weight related issues and diseases. Approach us, get treated and walk home with confidence.

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