Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Alopecia Areata




Alopecia areata is a medical condition in which hair falls out in round patches..It is an autoimmune disease which is affected by one’s genetic makeup along with factors such as stress and extremes of dieting. The fall out of hair can be from the scalp or elsewhere on the body. Though the hair re grows, it may fall out again and often the hair loss lasts for years. It can occur in all age groups and otherwise healthy people.


  • Hair fall out in patches: Patches of hair are usually noticed on one’s pillow or in shower. Hair fall out may occur on scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes and beards.
  • In severe cases some patients go bald
  • Nail problems: Nails show pinpoint pitting, white spots and loss their shine often splits.
  • Exclamation mark hair: Hair may grow narrow at the end and as round patch at the bald end.


It is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks its own hair follicles. It is not contagious. Alopecia areata patients may have a family history of this disease and are at a higher risk for thyroid disease, vitiligo, asthma , eczema and hay fever.


  • Skin biopsy: A small piece of skin is removed and studied under a microscope by a dermatologist.
  • Blood tests: To look for any chances of other autoimmune diseases.


Currently there is no approved treatment and complete cure so far. Some immunosuppressants and hair regrow medicines are often prescribed by dermatologists to help hair regrow.

Immunosuppressants like corticosteroids and hair regrow medicines such as minoxidil, anthralin and diphencyprone are some other medicines that triggers allergic reactions that help hair regrowth.

Light therapy or photo chemotherapy is a radiation treatment which uses both oral medication called psoralens and UV light.Essential oils like tea rose, rosemary ,lavender, peppermint and oils like coconut, olive,castor and jojoba help reduce symptoms.

The effectiveness of treatment may vary among patients. However hair regrowth may only be temporary. Hair may regrow and fallout again.

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