Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services



Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that breaks up and “sucks” fat from the body. Liposuction is not an overall weight-loss method. Liposuction may work for you if you have a lot of body fat in specific places but otherwise have a stable body weight. Also called lipoplasty, liposculpture suction, lipectomy, or lipo.


People who undergo liposuction usually have a stable body weight but would like to remove undesirable deposits of body fat in specific parts of the body.The procedure does not remove cellulite, dimples, or stretch marks. The aim is esthetic. It suits those who wish to change and enhance the contour of their body.Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, altering the shape of the body. However, if the patient does not lead a healthy lifestyle after the operation, there is a risk that the remaining fat cells will grow bigger.

Liposuction is normally advised only if lifestyle changes have not achieved the desired results. It can treat areas of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet.When an individual gains weight, each fat cell increases in size and volume. Liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in isolated areas.


The following body areas are commonly targeted for liposuction treatment:

  • abdomen
  • back
  • buttocks
  • chest
  • inner knees
  • hips
  • flanks (love handles)
  • neckline and the area under the chin
  • thighs, both “saddlebags,” or outer thighs, and inner thighs
  • upper arms


Liposuction is normally done for cosmetic purposes, but it is sometimes used to treat certain conditions.

These include:

  • Lymphedema: A chronic, or long-term, condition in which excess fluid known as lymph collects in tissues, causing edema, or swelling. The edema commonly occurs in the arms or legs. Liposuction is sometimes used to reduce swelling, discomfort, and pain.
  • Gynecomastia: Sometimes fat accumulates under a man’s breasts.
  • Lipodystrophy syndrome: Fat accumulates in one part of the body and is lost in another. Liposuction can improve the patient’s appearance by providing a more natural looking body fat distribution.
  • Extreme weight loss after obesity: A person with morbid obesity who loses at least 40 percent of their BMI may need treatment to remove excess skin and other abnormalities.
  • Lipomas: These are benign, fatty tumors. 


After liposuction, swelling typically goes away within a few weeks. By this time, the treated area should look less bulky. Within several months, expect the treated area to look slimmer.Skin loses some firmness as people age, but liposuction results usually last a long time if you maintain your weight. If you gain weight after liposuction, your fat levels may change. For example, you may gain fat around your abdomen no matter what areas were originally treated.

Liposuction works best for people with good skin tone and elasticity, where the skin molds itself into new contours.People whose skin lacks elasticity may end up with loose-looking skin in areas where the procedure was done.

The person needs to be over 18 years of age and in good health. Those with circulation or blood flow problems, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, or a weakened immune systems should not undergo liposuction.

People should discuss the pros and cons of liposuction with their doctor before deciding on whether to proceed. Liposuction should only be carried out after careful consideration.After liposuction, swelling typically goes away within a few weeks. By this time, the treated area should look less bulky. Within several months, expect the treated area to look slimmer.Skin loses some firmness as people age, but liposuction results usually last a long time if you maintain your weight. If you gain weight after liposuction, your fat levels may change. For example, you may gain fat around your abdomen no matter what areas were originally treated.


The risk of complications is usually associated with how large the procedure is, as well as the surgeon’s skills and specific training.

The following risks, unpleasant side effects, or complications are possible:

  • Severe bruising: This can last for several weeks.
  • Inflammation: The swelling may take up to 6 months to settle, and fluid may continue to ooze from the incisions.
  • Thrombophlebitis: A blood clot forms in a vein, causing inflammation and further complications.
  • Contour irregularities: If there is poor skin elasticity, if the wound heals in an unusual way, or if fat removal has been uneven, the skin may appear withered, wavy, or bumpy.
  • Numbness: The affected area may feel numb for a while, but this is usually temporary.
  • Infections: Rarely, a skin infection may occur after liposuction surgery. Sometimes this needs to be treated surgically, with the risk of scarring.
  • Kidney or heart problems: As fluids are being injected and or suctioned, the change in the body’s fluid levels may cause kidney or heart problems.
  • Pulmonary embolism: Fat gets into the blood vessels and travels to the lungs, blocking the circulation in the lungs. This can be life-threatening.
  • Pulmonary edema: Sometimes, when fluid is injected into the body, it accumulates in the lungs.
  • Allergic reaction: The patient may be allergic to medications or materials used during surgery.
  • Skin burns: The cannula movement may cause friction burns to the skin or nerves.

Those who are most satisfied with the results tend to be the people who consider carefully the pros and cons beforehand, who are informed about what to expect, who choose a qualified and experienced surgeon, and who discuss the details carefully with their surgeon.




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