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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition in which some individuals experience alternating periods of high energy levels and extremely low mood. People with bipolar disorder may find the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown to be particularly challenging to manage.

Do you feel very happy and outgoing—or very irritable—on some days, but unusually sad or anxious on other days? Do the “up” periods go along with increased energy or activity? Do the “downs” go along with low energy, hopelessness, or inability to enjoy what you usually like to do, and sometimes suicidal thoughts? Do these mood swings make it hard to sleep, stay focused, or get things done? Some people with these symptoms have a lifelong but treatable mental disorder called bipolar disorder.

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a chronic or episodic (which means occurring occasionally and at irregular intervals) mental disorder. It can cause unusual, often extreme and fluctuating changes in mood, energy, activity, and concentration or focus. Bipolar disorder sometimes is called manic-depressive disorder or manic depression, which are older terms.

Everyone goes through normal ups and downs, but bipolar disorder is different. The range of mood changes can be extreme. In manic episodes, someone might feel very happy, irritable, or “up,” and there is a marked increase in activity level. In depressive episodes, someone might feel sad, indifferent, or hopeless, in combination with a very low activity level. Some people have hypomanic episodes, which are like manic episodes, but less severe and troublesome.

Most of the time, bipolar disorder develops or starts during late adolescence (teen years) or early adulthood. Occasionally, bipolar symptoms can appear in children. Although the symptoms come and go, bipolar disorder usually requires lifetime treatment and does not go away on its own. Bipolar disorder can be an important factor in suicide, job loss, and family discord, but proper treatment leads to better outcomes.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder?

The symptoms of bipolar disorder can vary. An individual with bipolar disorder may have manic episodes, depressive episodes, or “mixed” episodes. There are different types of bipolar disorder, which differ in their symptoms and severity.

The main symptoms of bipolar disorder is alternating episodes of high and low mood

Symptoms of a Manic Episode

Feeling very up, high, elated, or extremely irritable or touchy

Feeling jumpy or wired, more active than usual

Decreased need for sleep

Racing thoughts

Thinking you can do a lot of things at once without getting tired

Excessive appetite for food, drinking, sex, or other pleasurable activities

Feeling like you are unusually important, talented, or powerful

Symptoms of a Depressive Episode

Feeling slowed down or restless

Trouble concentrating or making decisions

Feeling very down or sad, or anxious

Unable to do even simple things

Talking very slowly, feeling like you have nothing to say, or forgetting a lot

Feeling hopeless or worthless, or thinking about death or suicide

Most people experience mood changes at some time, but those related to bipolar disorder are more intense than regular mood changes, and other symptoms can occur. Some people experience psychosis, which can include delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.Anxiety disorders and ADHD often are diagnosed in people with bipolar disorder.People with bipolar disorder are more prone to misusing drugs or alcohol,also eating disorder, such as binge eating or bulimia.

Between episodes, the person’s mood may be stable for months or years, especially if they are following a treatment plan.


The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. However,Men and women are equally likely to get it. research suggests that there is no single cause. Instead, a combination of factors may contribute to bipolar disorder.For example, sometimes it can simply be a matter of genetics, meaning you have it because it runs in your family. The way your brain develops may also play a role, but scientists aren’t exactly sure how or why.

Bipolar Disorder Types

There are a few types of bipolar disorder, including:

Bipolar I disorder: With this type, you have extreme erratic behavior, with manic “up” periods that last at least a week or are so severe that you need medical care. There are also usually extreme “down” periods that last at least 2 weeks.

Bipolar II disorder: With this type, you also have erratic highs and lows, but it isn’t as extreme as bipolar I.

Cyclothymic disorder: This type involves periods of manic and depressive behavior that last at least 2 years in adults or 1 year in children and teens. The symptoms aren’t as intense as bipolar disorder I or bipolar disorder II.

With any type of bipolar disorder, misuse of drugs and alcohol use can lead to more episodes. Having bipolar disorder and alcohol use disorder, known as “dual diagnosis,” requires help from a specialist who can address both issues.


A psychiatrist or other mental health professional diagnoses bipolar disorder based on the symptoms, lifetime course, and experiences of the individual. Some people have bipolar disorder for years before it is diagnosed.

Diagnosing bipolar disorder is all about the person’s symptoms and determining whether they may be the result of another cause (such as low thyroid or mood symptoms caused by drug or alcohol abuse). How severe are they? How long have they lasted? How often do they happen?

The most telling symptoms are those that involve highs or lows in mood, along with changes in sleep, energy, thinking, and behavior.

Talking to close friends and family of the person can often help the doctor distinguish bipolar disorder from major depressive disorder or other psychiatric disorders that can involve changes in mood, thinking, and behavior.

Diagnosing bipolar disorder can be trickier for children and teenagers. Their symptoms may be the same as adults but might be confused for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or even just bad behavior.


Treatment aims to stabilize the person’s mood and reduce the severity of symptoms. The goal is to help the person function effectively in daily life.Bipolar disorder is generally a chronic condition, meaning that there is no cure. However, it is possible to manage the condition and lead a full and productive life. The key is to find the right combination of treatments and remedies, including medications and healthful lifestyle measures, and to stick with them. It may take some time to accomplish this, so friends and family should be patient and remain supportive.

Treatment involves a combination of therapies, including:

  • medication
  • counseling
  • physical intervention
  • lifestyle remedies

It can take time to get a correct diagnosis and find a suitable treatment, as individuals react differently, and symptoms vary widely.

Tips and precautions

The following coping strategies can help people with bipolar disorder proactively navigate the potential problems of COVID-19 and lockdown:

  • acknowledging that these are stressful times during which it is understandable to feel concerned
  • appreciating that the goal is to be able to manage feelings as they manifest
  • establishing a schedule for work, relaxation, and connecting with friends and family, while maintaining the correct physical distancing measures
  • eating regular, healthful meals
  • establishing and following good sleep habits
  • spending some time outside each day
  • staying physically active by walking, running, biking, or using free online exercise options
  • trying to move therapy sessions online — virtual therapy is a great option for those without access to their usual sessions
  • working with a pharmacy to arrange delivery of medication
  • doing various relaxing and engaging activities, from cooking to reading to doing crossword puzzles


Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition in which some individuals experience alternating periods of high energy levels and extremely low mood. People with bipolar disorder may find the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown to be particularly challenging to manage. Above tips and precautions may help them to cope with the same.

Coronavirus and Immunity Boosting Food

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Wondering how to boost your immunity against COVID-19? Well as you know Covid‐19 attacks people with low immune systems and people especially people of under and over ages. The immune system is built on beneficial live bacteria that lives in the gut which protect the human body from various diseases. When the immune system response is low, weak, or damaged, it becomes an open invitation for infections such as coronavirus or other diseases like  common cold, diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. A strong immune system could be the perfect solution to tackle COVID-19!  Our body uses and absorbs nutrients more efficiently when they come from whole food sources like fruits and vegetables, rather than processed foods or supplements.

Discussed below are five measures on how to increase immunity against COVID-19:

1. Take Immunity-Boosting Foods & Vitamins

Immunity boosting vegetables like carrot, spinach, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, dark leafy greens, tomato, asparagus, and broccoli; and immunity boosting fruits like mango, citrus fruits, and strawberries.

These fruits & vegetables contain vitamins A, C, D, and E, and minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc that acts as an immunity boosting vitamins.

All the above foods are also immunity boosters for kids. Special care is required in terms of diet for older people during Coronavirus pandemic as they are prone to catching it faster.

2. life Style

Take Proper 7-8 Hours of Sleep

Sleeping well is one of the easiest ways to increase immunity for COVID-19. A human body naturally repairs and recovers, during sleep, from all the wear and tear. Not sleeping enough not only leaves the body tired and lethargic but also reduces immunity to fight against viruses like COVID-19.

Regular Excercise

Exercising helps raise the levels of white blood cells and antibodies that fight off infections, Home workout exercises are another way of flushing out toxins from the body through sweat.

Practice meditation

Meditation is a mindful exercise that relaxes the mind of all external chaos and distractions. A mere 10 minutes of meditation every day can make a big difference not only throughout the day but also in life as a whole. A calm mind helps in better focus, better decisions, and builds a sound body.

3. Balanced Diet

Eating a well‐balanced, healthy diet and staying away from processed junk food is very important to maintain overall health, as well as to support immune functions.Making sure you are eating a diet high in immune-boosting nutrients is one way you can take an active role in maintaining your health and wellness.Consuming foods high in vitamin A, C,D, E, B6, B12 etc.. is the key in regulating and supporting immune system function.

Staying hydrated is the best way to increase immunity to fight Coronavirus because it flushes out all the toxins from the body. Immunity booster drink such as fresh fruit juices and coconut water, along with consuming enough water throughout the day helps in keeping the body hydrated.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smoking and other substance abuse weakens the respiratory system, while alcohol reduces the immunity. This makes the body susceptible to catching the virus and being infected.

Avoid Non-essential travelling

Social distancing is key to fighting novel coronavirus, and hence avoiding non-essential travel will help in protecting oneself and others from the virus.


Ayurveda and immunity

The ancient medical science had stated long ago that plant extracts could do a lot to strengthen the body. According to Ayurveda, our body can withstand infections only when all the seven layers of our body’s tissues (Rasa, Mamsa, Rakta, Medha, Majja, Asthi and Shukra) are strong. When the seven layers are working together, our immunity will be boosted.

Ayurveda has said that certain plants and plant products can empower our immunity.Make a point to consume one or more of the following every day


Moringa is a herb that can ward off many health complications. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, it should be your go-to herb for immunity strengthening.

So what makes moringa such a powerful immunity booster? It contains 7 times more Vitamin C than even oranges. Vitamin C is the chief nutrient that our bodies need to build strong immunity.

That’s not all, moringa also contains some other vital nutrients that strengthen your cells, muscles, tissues and help your body heal. Consume moringa for its high levels of potassium, iron, calcium and amino acids.


Neem can also keep your blood clean. It purifies the blood by flushing away toxins and this can strengthen immunity.



Tulsi is another wonder herb that is much favoured by Ayurveda. This aromatic leaf can be your primary line of defence against COVID-19. Tulsi or basil is a powerful germicide.



Every time your grandmother said you need to consume turmeric for your health, she was right. Turmeric contains curcumin– a phytochemical that can remove toxins from your body and strengthen your immune system to fight off germs and bacteria

Health benefits of fresh turmeric and ways to use it |

Ginger and Garlic

Ginger has been an age-old remedy for flu and the common cold. It can also be effective against COVID-19.  It contains gingerol – an antioxidant that can power up our immune system and kill viruses. Ginger is particularly good in preventing respiratory tract infections. Add ginger to your meals or you can also have it raw.

Here's how you can make ginger garlic paste at home - Times of India

Just like ginger, garlic too will protect you from coronavirus by stimulating your immunity. It contains allicin- a plant compound that acts as a germicide. But remember, to make the most of garlic, consume it raw or partially cooked.


People with low immunity are more prone for this world pandemic named as COVID‐19. To help or boost the immunity, the plant‐based foods play vital role by promoting beneficial bacteria in the body. Various vitamins like C, D, and E are investigated to provide important aspects for improving immunity. Fruits like oranges, papaya, kiwi, and guava are rich in vitamin C, while vegetables like eggplant, bell peppers, beetroots, spinach, and cauliflower are known to be quite rich in vitamin C and are good for immunity. Ayurveda and herbs  like Tulsi, Ashwagandha, Moringa, Honey  ginger a vital role in boosting the immunity.More research is needed to know about the behavior of coronavirus and the role of food in its prevention.







Common Winter Illness

Bored sick woman holding hand at head, blowing nose with napkinWinter has arrived, and with it comes cold and flu season. You do your best to keep yourself and your family healthy, despite your best efforts, you may still find yourself ill.Common health problems like cold, cough, fever, dryness, asthma, joint pain are widely noticed.The cold season cools your body and this makes simple illness harder to heal. Thus, you need to take precautionary measures before you ever allow a common disease to leave you hospitalised. Here are few winter diseases/illness that you and your child are prone to.

Dry Skin:

It is one of the most common problems faced during winters. Cracked skin, bleeding, pain and infection are apparent due to dryness. A few winter tips for skin like using moisturizers, mild moisturizing soap rather than regular one or applying hand lotion or petroleum jelly can help you in avoiding this problem.


Winters are commonly known as the flu season. The flu viruses spread through the air and during winters, your immune system might get little slower than usual. In order to avoid this most common winter disease, make sure to eat a healthy and nutritious diet, drink enough water and exercise regularly.

Joint Pain:

It is most commonly seen in arthritis patients. Drastic fall in temperature can trigger joint pain leading to immobility in some cases. Make sure you wear warm clothes. Please exercise especially during the winter season to keep the body warm.


Cold weather triggers asthma attacks. Winters come with a lot of allergens in the air, which is the main causative factor for asthma. Wear an air purifying mask outside to avoid inhaling any allergen.

Sore Throat:

A Sore Throat is the very first sign that you may be suffering from a bad cold. Most people do not care to treat it and as a result, this may get worse. This disease is one of the most common winter diseases and is usually caused by viral infections.

Could it be coronavirus?

If you have a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste, it could be coronavirus (COVID-19).

If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:

  1. Get a test to check if you have coronavirus as soon as possible.
  2. You and anyone you live with should stay at home and not have visitors until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test.

Anyone in your support bubble should also stay at home if you have been in close contact with them since your symptoms started or during the 48 hours before they started.

Strep Throat

Strep is most often seen in school-aged children. Strep presents as a sore throat, headache, and stomachache. Some people will experience a high fever or vomiting.  Strep throat does not usually cause cold symptoms or coughing and it can usually be easily treated with antibiotics.


Also known as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus is an extremely infectious stomach bug. It can strike throughout the year but is more common in the winter. The illness is unpleasant, but it’s usually over within a few days. If you are ill with vomiting and diarrhea, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.

Cold Sores:

The reason for cold sores to occur in winter is majorly because of the harshness of the dry and cold environment. The dry and cold air dries out the lips; which make them more susceptible to the herpes virus. Adequate nutrition, regular exercise, Home Remedies for Cold and rest will help reduce the chances of getting cold sores.


Unlike other common winter illnesses, pneumonia is often caused due to bacterial infection. Pneumonia is a life-threatening disease that can be fatal and this usually starts with viral and fungal infection. This disease clogs the alveoli that are tiny air sacs in your lungs and fills it with fluids. This disease can happen among young people, but if an older person is suffering from it, it can turn out to be dangerous.

Causes of Pneumonia:

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria and viruses that multiply and settle in tiny holes of your lungs (Alveoli). This bacteria is found in terms of liquid that clogs the tiny holes in your lung thus making you develop shortness in breath. However, this disease is deadly because it can spread by coughing, sneezing or by touching an object. The bacteria that powers pneumonia is so deadly that it can fill the lung sacs with bacterial fluid and pus and this can kill you if not treated immediately.

Symptoms of Pneumonia:

The symptoms of pneumonia can be present in different ways, meaning sometimes this disease may start as cold and begins to evolve. Keep in mind that if your child has a bad cold for several days and that the child developed high fever, this can be an immediate sign of pneumonia. Here are some of the symptoms of pneumonia that will help you identify the disease.

  • Severe cough
  • Green phlegm and coughed up lungs
  • High fever
  • Shortness in breath
  • Chills
  • Severe headache
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Profuse sweating
  • Purple colour skin
  • Pain in muscles
  •  Acute Ear Infection:

    An ear infection is something that is caused by bacterial infections in the middle ear, which is a section found behind your eardrum. Ear infections can be very painful due to inflammation and fluid buildup in the middle ear. There are both acute as well as chronic ear infections. When it comes to acute ear infection, it is considered very painful but it will last only for a short duration. Winter climate can cause acute ear infections. Usually, people with acute ear infections experience blocked, itchy and painful ears.

    Causes of Acute Ear Infection:

    An acute ear infection is usually caused when eustachian tube begins to swell and this causes blockage thereby causing fluids to build in your middle ear. Here are some causes of acute ear infection.

    • Cold
    • Sinus infection
    • Smoking
    • Changes in climatic condition

    Symptoms of Acute Ear Infection:

    Here are some symptoms of acute ear infection that will help you identify the disease.

    • Severe pain
    • Discomfort in the ear
    • Pus-filled ear like feel
    • Hearing loss.


      Bronchiolitis is a common viral respiratory infection. Symptoms include nasal congestion, cough, low-grade fevers, and wheezing. RSV, a particular virus that is often the cause of bronchiolitis, although many different viruses can cause bronchiolitis.  It too can resemble a common cold before it progresses into a more serious illness with wheezing, difficulty breathing, and dehydration.

    Prevention of Winter illness:

    During winter many people have the risk of getting sick. Infectious disease are available in the air and you need to take precautionary measures to stay safe and healthy. There are some simple tips that you can do at home that will safeguard you as well as your family from any winter infection.

    • Wash your hands with soap consistently to avoid germs and bacteria.
    • If you have a bad cold, then you need to cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough.
    • Make sure you use your own utensils when it comes to eating and drinking.
    • Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.
    • Regular excercises help to strengthen the immunity.
    • Get enough sleep.
    • Stay well covered in warm clothes and avoid exposure to cold as much as possible.
    • Consult a doctor right away when you are feeling sick.


Even though nobody can surely prevent winter illnesses for a lifetime so, maintainig basic hygiene, staying warm and hyderated is very important. make sure to stay away from people if you or others near you are contagious. However, if you feel it is taking too long for you to get better its time you consult a doctor.

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Charley Horse

Woman muscle pain during running training

Charley Horse is another name for  muscle spasm – when a muscle suddenly tightens up on its own resulting severe pain.They’re common in your legs, often occurs during exercise and at night. It commonly affects the calf muscle at the back of the lower leg, but it can also occur in the foot and, occasionally, in the thigh.The sudden and uncontrollable spasm can often be brief, but it can last for several minutes or up to 10 minutes.


Doctors do not know exactly why muscle cramps happen when a person is exercising or when they have no other medical conditions.

Things that can trigger a charley horse include:

  • Poor blood flow
  • Working your muscles too much
  • Not stretching enough
  • Being active in high temperatures
  • Dehydration
  • A lack of magnesium and/or potassium in your diet
  • A problem such as a spinal cord injury or a pinched nerve in your neck or back
  • Kidney disease
  • Muscle cramps are also a side effect of some drugs – diuretics, raloxifene (Evista), or statin drugs

Risk factors for charley horses

Muscle spasms can happen to anyone, at any age. And a charley horse can occur at any time of the day or night.

Charley horses do tend to occur more often among people in the following groups:

  • athletes
  • infants
  • older adults
  • people who are obese
  • people taking certain medications like diuretics, raloxifene (Evista), or statin drugs
  • people who smoke

People who are obese are more likely to experience charley horses because of poor circulation in their legs. Athletes often experience charley horses because of muscle fatigue or overuse.

Charley Horse Diagnosis

The occasional charley horse doesn’t require an official medical diagnosis. However, your doctor should investigate frequent, recurrent muscle spasms. This would apply if a charley horse occurs more than once a week without an adequate explanation.

Your doctor can usually make a diagnosis based on your medical history and a physical examination.

The doctor will more than likely ask about their symptoms, including:

  • what the cramping is like and where it occurs
  • when the cramps happen and for how long
  • how severe or regularly the cramps occur
  • whether they have started recently

A doctor is likely to ask about the person’s exercise habits, diet, and any other symptoms, medical problems, or current medications, as well.


There is little evidence that medical intervention can help cure or reduce muscle cramping.

However, when a muscle is cramping, and a person experiences a charley horse, the following action may help them find some relief:

  • If you get a charley horse in your calf or in the back of your thigh (hamstring), put your weight on the affected leg and bend your knee slightly. Or sit or lie down with your leg out straight and pull the top of your foot toward your head.
  • For a cramp in the front of your thigh (quadriceps), hold on to a chair and bend the knee of the affected leg. Pull your foot up toward your buttock.

    Massage, a bath with Epsom salts, or a heating pad can relax the muscle. To fight pain, use an ice pack or take an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen or naproxen.

    In most cases, the charley horse will stop within a few minutes. But if you get them often and for no clear reason, consult your doctor

  • In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe antispasmodic medication. Also, physical therapy can help you cope with muscle spasms and prevent further complications.
  • In extreme cases, you doctor may recommend surgery. If other treatments fail, surgery can enlarge the space around a nerve to relieve pressure. This may help if nerve compression causes your spasms.

Preventing charley horses

Once you identify the cause of the occasional charley horse, symptoms are generally easy to prevent. Take these steps to help avoid future muscle spasms:

  • Stretch before and after exercise.
  • Avoid exercising the same muscles on consecutive days.
  • Weight loss for people with excess weight
  • Changing to different more comfortable footwear
  • Do not exercise in severe weather.
  • Drink water throughout the day.
  • Drink beverages that contain electrolytes, such as Gatorade.
  • Stretch before going to bed
  • Don’t smoke.
  • Limit Alcohol intake


Charley horses are common and can occur in any muscle at any time. They’re usually treatable and can sometimes be prevented.

Any pain caused by a spasm won’t typically last more than a day. However, if you experience charley horses frequently, talk with your doctor about treatments.

Stress Management


Stress, health, illness and problems concept. Studio image of de

In today’s fast-paced world, chronic stress is common, but your mind and body can pay a high price. Learn to recognize overwhelming stress—and what you can do about it.

What is stress?

Stress is your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you sense danger—whether it’s real or imagined—the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight-or-flight” reaction or the “stress response.”

When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper. These physical changes increase your strength and stamina, speed up your reaction time, and enhance your focus—preparing you to either fight or flee from the danger at hand.

The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life—giving you extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid a car accident.

The effects of chronic stress

Your nervous system isn’t very good at distinguishing between emotional and physical threats. If you’re super stressed over an argument with a friend, a work deadline, or a mountain of bills, your body can react just as strongly as if you’re facing a true life-or-death situation. And the more your emergency stress system is activated, the easier it becomes to trigger, making it harder to shut off.


If you tend to get stressed out frequently, like many of us in today’s demanding world, your body may exist in a heightened state of stress most of the time. And that can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can suppress your immune system, upset your digestive and reproductive systems, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and speed up the aging process. It can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.


Health problems caused or exacerbated by stress include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Pain of any kind
  • Sleep problems
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Skin conditions, such as eczema
  • Heart disease
  • Weight problems
  • Reproductive issues
  • Thinking and memory problems

Causes of stress

The situations and pressures that cause stress are known as stressors. We usually think of stressors as being negative, such as an exhausting work schedule or a rocky relationship. However, anything that puts high demands on you can be stressful. This includes positive events such as getting married, buying a house, going to college, or receiving a promotion.

Of course, not all stress is caused by external factors. Stress can also be internal or self-generated, when you worry excessively about something that may or may not happen, or have irrational, pessimistic thoughts about life.

Signs and symptoms of stress overload

The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you. You get used to it. It starts to feel familiar, even normal. You don’t notice how much it’s affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the common warning signs and symptoms of stress overload.

Cognitive symptoms:

  • Memory problems
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Poor judgment
  • Seeing only the negative
  • Anxious or racing thoughts
  • Constant worrying


Emotional symptoms:

  • Depression or general unhappiness
  • Anxiety and agitation
  • Moodiness, irritability, or anger
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Loneliness and isolation

Other mental or emotional health problems

Physical symptoms:

  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Chest pain, rapid heart rate
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds or flu

Behavioral symptoms:

  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Withdrawing from others
  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
  • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)

Common external causes of stress include:

  • Major life changes
  • Work or school
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Financial problems
  • Being too busy
  • Children and family

Common internal causes of stress include:

  • Pessimism
  • Inability to accept uncertainty
  • Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility
  • Negative self-talk
  • Unrealistic expectations / perfectionism
  • All-or-nothing attitude

What’s stressful for you?

Whatever event or situation is stressing you out, there are ways of coping with the problem and regaining your balance. Some of life’s most common sources of stress include:

  • Stress at work
  • Job loss and unemployment stress
  • Caregiver stress
  • Grief and loss etc..

How much stress is too much?

Because of the widespread damage stress can cause, it’s important to know your own limit. But just how much stress is “too much” differs from person to person. Some people seem to be able to roll with life’s punches, while others tend to crumble in the face of small obstacles or frustrations. Some people even thrive on the excitement of a high-stress lifestyle.

Factors that influence your stress tolerance level include:

Your support network. A strong network of supportive friends and family members is an enormous buffer against stress. When you have people you can count on, life’s pressures don’t seem as overwhelming. On the flip side, the lonelier and more isolated you are, the greater your risk of succumbing to stress.

Your sense of control. If you have confidence in yourself and your ability to influence events and persevere through challenges, it’s easier to take stress in stride. On the other hand, if you believe that you have little control over your life—that you’re at the mercy of your environment and circumstances—stress is more likely to knock you off course.

Your attitude and outlook. The way you look at life and its inevitable challenges makes a huge difference in your ability to handle stress. If you’re generally hopeful and optimistic, you’ll be less vulnerable. Stress-hardy people tend to embrace challenges, have a stronger sense of humor, believe in a higher purpose, and accept change as an inevitable part of life.

Your ability to deal with your emotions. If you don’t know how to calm and soothe yourself when you’re feeling sad, angry, or troubled, you’re more likely to become stressed and agitated. Having the ability to identify and deal appropriately with your emotions can increase your tolerance to stress and help you bounce back from adversity.

Your knowledge and preparation. The more you know about a stressful situation, including how long it will last and what to expect, the easier it is to cope. For example, if you go into surgery with a realistic picture of what to expect post-op, a painful recovery will be less stressful than if you were expecting to bounce back immediately.

Improving your ability to handle stress

Get moving. Upping your activity level is one tactic you can employ right now to help relieve stress and start to feel better. Regular exercise can lift your mood and serve as a distraction from worries, allowing you to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed stress. Rhythmic exercises such as walking, running, swimming, and dancing are particularly effective, especially if you exercise mindfully (focusing your attention on the physical sensations you experience as you move).

Connect to others. The simple act of talking face-to-face with another human can trigger hormones that relieve stress when you’re feeling agitated or insecure. Even just a brief exchange of kind words or a friendly look from another human being can help calm and soothe your nervous system. So, spend time with people who improve your mood and don’t let your responsibilities keep you from having a social life. If you don’t have any close relationships, or your relationships are the source of your stress, make it a priority to build stronger and more satisfying connections.

Engage your senses. Another fast way to relieve stress is by engaging one or more of your senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, or movement. The key is to find the sensory input that works for you. Does listening to an uplifting song make you feel calm? Or smelling ground coffee? Or maybe petting an animal works quickly to make you feel centered? Everyone responds to sensory input a little differently, so experiment to find what works best for you.

Learn to relax. You can’t completely eliminate stress from your life, but you can control how much it affects you. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing activate the body’s relaxation response, a state of restfulness that is the polar opposite of the stress response. When practiced regularly, these activities can reduce your everyday stress levels and boost feelings of joy and serenity. They also increase your ability to stay calm and collected under pressure.

Eat a healthy diet. The food you eat can improve or worsen your mood and affect your ability to cope with life’s stressors. Eating a diet full of processed and convenience food, refined carbohydrates, and sugary snacks can worsen symptoms of stress, while a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, high-quality protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, can help you better cope with life’s ups and downs.

Get your rest. Feeling tired can increase stress by causing you to think irrationally. At the same time, chronic stress can disrupt your sleep. Whether you’re having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night, there are plenty of ways to improve your sleep so you feel less stressed and more productive and emotionally balanced.

Why is it so important to manage stress?

If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your entire well-being at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming, there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always be demanding. But you have a lot more control than you might think.

Effective stress management helps you break the hold stress has on your life, so you can be happier, healthier, and more productive. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun—and the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on. But stress management is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why it’s important to experiment and find out what works best for you. The following stress management tips can help you do that.

Tip 1: Identify the sources of stress in your life

To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses:

Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?

Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy, that’s all”)?

Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal and unexceptional?

Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control.

Tip 2: Practice the 4 A’s of stress management

While stress is an automatic response from your nervous system, some stressors arise at predictable times: your commute to work, a meeting with your boss, or family gatherings, for example. When handling such predictable stressors, you can either change the situation or change your reaction. When deciding which option to choose in any given scenario, it’s helpful to think of the four A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept.

Tip 3: Get moving

When you’re stressed, the last thing you probably feel like doing is getting up and exercising. But physical activity is a huge stress reliever—and you don’t have to be an athlete or spend hours in a gym to experience the benefits. Exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good, and it can also serve as a valuable distraction from your daily worries.

While you’ll get the most benefit from regularly exercising for 30 minutes or more, it’s okay to build up your fitness level gradually. Even very small activities can add up over the course of a day. The first step is to get yourself up and moving. Here are some easy ways to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule:

Put on some music and dance around

Take your dog for a walk

Walk or cycle to the grocery store

Use the stairs at home or work rather than an elevator

Park your car in the farthest spot in the lot and walk the rest of the way

Pair up with an exercise partner and encourage each other as you work out

Play ping-pong or an activity-based video game with your kids

Tip 4: Connect to others

here is nothing more calming than spending quality time with another human being who makes you feel safe and understood. In fact, face-to-face interaction triggers a cascade of hormones that counteracts the body’s defensive “fight-or-flight” response. It’s nature’s natural stress reliever (as an added bonus, it also helps stave off depression and anxiety). So make it a point to connect regularly—and in person—with family and friends.

Keep in mind that the people you talk to don’t have to be able to fix your stress. They simply need to be good listeners. And try not to let worries about looking weak or being a burden keep you from opening up. The people who care about you will be flattered by your trust. It will only strengthen your bond.

Of course, it’s not always realistic to have a pal close by to lean on when you feel overwhelmed by stress, but by building and maintaining a network of close friends you can improve your resiliency to life’s stressors.

Tip 5: Make time for fun and relaxation

Beyond a take-charge approach and a positive attitude, you can reduce stress in your life by carving out “me” time. Don’t get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that you forget to take care of your own needs. Nurturing yourself is a necessity, not a luxury. If you regularly make time for fun and relaxation, you’ll be in a better place to handle life’s stressors.

Tip 6: Manage your time better

Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you’re stretched too thin and running behind, it’s hard to stay calm and focused. Plus, you’ll be tempted to avoid or cut back on all the healthy things you should be doing to keep stress in check, like socializing and getting enough sleep. The good news: there are things you can do to achieve a healthier work-life balance.

Don’t over-commit yourself. Avoid scheduling things back-to-back or trying to fit too much into one day. All too often, we underestimate how long things will take.

Prioritize tasks. Make a list of tasks you have to do, and tackle them in order of importance. Do the high-priority items first. If you have something particularly unpleasant or stressful to do, get it over with early. The rest of your day will be more pleasant as a result

Tip 7: Maintain balance with a healthy lifestyle

In addition to regular exercise, there are other healthy lifestyle choices that can increase your resistance to stress.

Eat a healthy diet.

Reduce caffeine and sugar

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs.

Get enough sleep

Tip 8: Learn to relieve stress in the moment

When you’re frazzled by your morning commute, stuck in a stressful meeting at work, or fried from another argument with your spouse, you need a way to manage your stress levels right now. That’s where quick stress relief comes in.

Quick Stress Relief

Learn how to use sensory stimulation to relieve stress on the spot and stay calm, productive, and focused—no matter what life throws at you.

What is the fastest way to relieve stress?

There are countless techniques for managing stress. Yoga, mindfulness meditation, and exercise are just a few examples of stress-relieving activities that work wonders. But in the heat of the moment, during a high-pressured job interview, for example, or a disagreement with your spouse, you can’t just excuse yourself to meditate or take a long walk. In these situations, you need something more immediate and accessible.

One of the speediest and most reliable ways to stamp out stress is to engage one or more of your senses—sight, sound, taste, smell, touch—or through movement. Since everyone is different, you’ll need to do some experimenting to discover which technique works best for you—but the payoff is huge. You can stay calm, productive, and focused when you know how to quickly relieve stress.


Amla or Indian Gooseberry – A Natural Superfood


Green gooseberries in a wooden bowl

Well, have you heard of another such superfood, Amla also known as Indian gooseberry has been one of the most popular superfoods among health enthusiasts.Amla has been one of the most widely consumed Indian berry, but did you know Amla is not just an immunity booster and there’s a lot more to this little fruit, which can work wonders for your body, skin and hair in so many ways.

What is amla?

Amla is a green colored translucent fruit which derives its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’ which means “nectar of life”. Biologically known as Phyllanthus emblica, Indian gooseberry has been used for its medicinal properties in making Ancient medicines like Unnani, Ayurveda and Siddha. Right from being a natural blood purifier to boosting immunity due to the presence of vitamin C to being a good source of fiber, Amla has been used for preventing as well as curing several ailments.Amla is famous in India for its many health benefits and its quality to treat countless ailments be it the common cold, cancer, or infertility. Ayurveda doctors claim that amla can help balance the three doshas (Kapha/vista/pitta) in the body and eliminate the underlying cause of many diseases.

Types of Gooseberries:

There are different varieties of Amla grown in different parts of the world and it also varies in its levels of nutrition. Understanding the health benefits of gooseberries is equally important as looking at the different types of gooseberries grown worldwide. Here is a list of different types of gooseberries.

1. Fredonia Gooseberry:

This is a larger variety of gooseberries that appear to be dark red and is cultivated and grown in the United States though it is a native fruit from England. This fruit is available from July to August.

2. Achilles Gooseberry:

This type of gooseberry appears to be small and hairy which is red in colour and is usually consumed in the United Kingdom. This is usually sold in the markets after the second week of July.

3. Whinham’s Gooseberry:

This type of gooseberry is a native of England and appears to be lengthy and when it ripens, this fruit it turns to be purple-red in colour and the taste and smell of the fruit is said to be fabulous.

4. Poorman Gooseberry:

This variety of gooseberry is said to be the best in the United States. It appears to be extremely large because of its red colour and also has an excellent taste and texture. It is usually sold in the month of July in America.

5. Whitesmith Gooseberry:

This type of gooseberry is also called as English Whiter. When this fruit ripens, the fruit turns green or yellow. This is one of the best varieties for consumption purposes and does not have to be processed in order to be consumed. This variety is usually found in The United Kingdom from the beginning of July.

Benefits of Amla

There are many benefits of eating amla daily and one of them is that it is excellent for your hair and skin.So, here are a few interesting uses of Amla that will make you fall for this miraculous fruit.

1. Improves Immunity:

Amla contains eight times more Vitamin C than an orange, it has twice the antioxidant power as of acai berry and 17 times that of a pomegranate. No wonder Amla is called a superfood!

The Vitamin C content of Amla makes it an excellent source of building your immunity and metabolism. It is known to fight both viral and bacterial ailments efficiently and reducing the impact of various health problems such and cancer and heart-related ailments.

Fights Infections and Prevents Cold, Chest Congestion:

Since Amla is a wonderful source for improving your immunity, amla powder benefits the body during viral and bacterial infections as well as while fighting from the common cold.


Amla Powder mixed with two teaspoons of honey provides relief from cough and cold when consumed around three to four times a day. Amla also aids in the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract and can soothe the inflamed airways. Therefore, Amla is used to provide relief from bronchitis, cough, and other respiratory illnesses.

Improves eyesight

Studies have shown that the carotene in amla improves vision. Daily consumption has also been linked to improvement in overall eye health as amla can reduce cataract problem, intraocular tension (the pressure you feel) as well as prevent reddening, itching, and watering of eyes.

Beautifies hair

 It beautifies hair

Gooseberries can do good for your hair by making it seem smooth and silky. This has been used as a herbal treatment for preventing dandruff and dry hair for over centuries in India. Here are some hair benefits that gooseberry can offer.

Natural Hair Straightener:

Does your heart crave for straight hair? Well, you must be trying some hair straightening machines or creams in the past that have more chances of damaging your hair. Did you know that gooseberry paste was a natural hair straightener? Yes, gooseberry paste or juice have the tendency to repair your hair follicles and boosts hair growth. All you need to do is to add some amla juice over your scalp and leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Once it dries you can rinse it off with some lukewarm water. This will leave you stronger and will give it an extra layer of shine.

 Prevents Premature Greying:

One of the first signs of ageing fast is premature greying of hair. This can become a nightmare for those who are young, but you need to understand that this is something very serious. So, how do you prevent your hair from greying? It’s simple, all you need to do is to add some gooseberries juice to your hair and leave it dry for 30 minutes. Amla juice is filled with vitamin C and antioxidants that can prevent hair fall and premature greying.

Prevents Dandruff:

Dandruff can be a very serious situation to handle, especially, this is said to pull down your confidence in public. There are many anti-dandruff shampoos and creams out there in the market, but why not try something natural and put a complete stop to dandruff. Try amla juice and this will repair broken strands of hair and give it an extra layer of shine.

Natural Hair Conditioner:

Amla juice acts as a great conditioner for your hair and gives a smooth and shiny finish. All you need to do is to mix some amla juice with some henna and gently apply it on your scalp. This will make your hair look healthy and once this is dried, you can wash it away with some lukewarm water to give you that extra smoothness and shine.

Prevents Hair Problems

You may encounter loads of hair related problems during your teenage and as you enter in adulthood, the worst hair problem you would begin to face is greying. However, if you are facing any hair problems such as dandruff, premature greying, dryness of hair etc, then you definitely need to try amla juice. Applying it is the best way that you can fight any of the above-listed hair problems.

Acts as a Natural Blood Purifier:

One of the many benefits of Indian gooseberry is that its Vitamin C content makes the blood vessels stronger and thicker. Amla acts as an antioxidant agent and efficiently detoxifies the body.

It improves skin health

Amla not only gives glowing skin but it also keeps the skin hydrated and healthy. Amla is also used as a superfood for its anti-aging properties.Drinking amla juice with honey every morning can give you blemish-free, healthy and glowing skin.

some health benefits of gooseberry for  skin.

1. Anti-Ageing Properties:

Consuming gooseberry juice can help your skin age slowly. As you begin to age, you would always want to look younger and that is one particular phase of growing older. However, who does not want to look young? So, simply just make some amla juice and add some honey to it and drink it. This drink has loads of antioxidants in it that can make your skin look better and beat ageing cells. Vitamin C is found in amla and this aids in glowing skin. Regularly drinking amla juice will prevent premature ageing, fine lines, dark spots and wrinkles.

2. Treats Acne:

You can also make amla paste and apply it over the affected area of your face and leave it to dry for not more than 15 minutes. This will fight pimples, fine lines and reduce scarring done by acne. It is a natural blood purifier that keeps pimples and the after-effects of acne away. Thus, amla juice gives you flawless skin.

3. Good Skin Tone:

High amounts of collagen contents in your skin help in skin firmness and make your skin appear soft. Regular consumption of amla juice boosts vitamin C levels and helps increase the production of collagen level in your skin. This will make your skin look soft and youthful.

4. Treats Skin Pigmentation:

Applying or drinking amla juice is said to cleanse your skin and reduced skin pigmentation. All you need to do is to apply some amla juice onto your face and once this dries, make sure that you use a small piece of cotton and wipe it away. Also, keep your eye closed when you are doing this. Doing this on a regular basis will lighten skin marks and reduce skin pigmentation.

5. Removes Dead Skin Cells:

Amla juice is said to rejuvenate your skin and add an extra layer of skin brightness that will make your skin outshine itself. How more confident can you get with your skin appearing all bright and vibrant. This adds to some extra boost of your self-confidence. Also, amla juice is an excellent cleanser whether it is applied directly or consumed. This will help remove dead cells and make promote anti-ageing.

Helps Manage Chronic Conditions:

Diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases, asthma, and cancer have become common conditions that impact a large number of people in today’s times. The good thing is there are many medicinal uses of Amla and all these chronic health conditions can be managed by consuming this superfood.

The amino acids and antioxidants aid in the overall functioning of the heart. Chromium in Amla helps the body to be more responsive to insulin and also regulates the blood sugar level, making it excellent for diabetics.

It relieves pain

Be it arthritis-related joint aches or painful mouth ulcers, amla can provide relief owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. For ulcers, you simply need to dilute amla juice in half a cup of water and gargle with it.

Aids in weight loss management

Yes, gooseberry is said to aid in weight loss and this fruit must be added to your everyday diet. Gooseberry also speeds up your metabolism and flushes out the bad toxins from your body. It also aids in goods digestion which means that the faster your food gets digested, the more hungry you may feel. Thus, this also curbs your appetite by making you feel full.

Thus, gooseberry is a wonderful sour fruit that needs to be added to your everyday diet as this can help you lose weight and offers loads of health benefits for your hair and skin. So, all you need to do is to prepare some amla juice and apply it directly over your hair and skin and this will do good for you and your health. Stay Fit, Live Healthy.


How to use Amla in our daily diet?

Amla Juice

Drinking the juice of fresh amla is the best way to reap the benefits of this fruit. Amla is easily available from December through April. However, if you can’t handle the sour shot, try these tasty options:


Deseed and chop amla into small pieces. Mix with a little salt and leave to dry in sunlight for a few days. Once it is completely dehydrated, store in a dry jar for an ideal on-the-go snack.


Make a spicy amla achaar or a sweet murabba by soaking amla in sugary water.


Amla can be used in combination with coconut oil or almond oil as a hair tonic. To use it with coconut oil, simply boil some dried pieces of amla in coconut oil till the liquid turns brown. Use this tonic on your scalp and hair.

Potential downsides

Amla can make constipation worse - Yes, it is supposed to heal constipation but if not consumed in controlled quantity, it can make matters worse. And it gets even worse, if your water intake goes down.

Induce hyperacidity - We all know Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, which makes the fruit acidic in nature. Amla is often prescribed to be consumed on empty stomach to detoxify but this can trigger acidity. So if you are sensitive to such foods, avoid eating this.

Diabetics should use with caution - Amla is considered to be a good antidote for diabetes. But it could intervene with your diabetes medication, so it’s always better to consult your doctor. It can bring down the sugar level in the blood leading to hypoglycemia when combined with anti-diabetes medicines.

Consult your doctor if you have heart ailments - Amla is considered to be a strong cardiovascular stimulant. While it may not have any serious implications, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before consuming this fruit for good health.

Can aggravate cold – Amla is known as a natural coolant and so it can make your symptoms of cold worse. It is believed to lower body temperature to a great extent. It can be used in the form of Triphala by diluting it in warm water with honey. It will help keep respiratory side effects of Amla powder at bay.

Take Away

In the current times or this pandemic time when almost everyone require a boosting immunity power & has hair problems because of poor lifestyle, diet, and environmental pollution, Amla is a wonder Ayurvedic fruit that helps in restoring hair health. Including it in the diet as well in our regular hair care routine is the best way to get those healthy, lustrous hair we all desire.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis: DVT Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment – Medlife Blog:  Health and Wellness Tips

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)  can happen to anybody and can cause serious illness, disability, and in some cases, death. The good news is that DVT is preventable and treatable if discovered early.

What is Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein. These clots usually develop in the lower leg, thigh, or pelvis, but they can also occur in the arm.If blood moves too slowly through your veins, it can cause a clump of blood cells called a clot. When a blood clot forms in a vein deep inside your body, it causes what doctors call deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling, but also can occur with no symptoms.

Deep vein thrombosis can develop if you have certain medical conditions that affect how your blood clots. It can also happen if you don’t move for a long time, such as after surgery or an accident, or when you’re confined to bed.

Symptoms of DVT :

About half of people with DVT have no symptoms at all. The following are the most common symptoms of DVT that occur in the affected part of the body:

  • throbbing or cramping pain in 1 leg (rarely both legs), usually in the calf or thigh
  • swelling in 1 leg (rarely both legs)
  • warm skin around the painful area
  • red or darkened skin around the painful area
  • swollen veins that are hard or sore when you touch them

These symptoms also happen in your arm or tummy if that’s where the blood clot is.

Pulmonary embolism

A serious complication associated with deep vein thrombosis is pulmonary embolism.

A pulmonary embolism occurs when a blood vessel in your lung becomes blocked by a blood clot (thrombus) that travels to your lung from another part of your body, usually your leg.

A pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening. It’s important to watch for signs and symptoms of a pulmonary embolism and seek medical attention if they occur. Signs and symptoms of a pulmonary embolism include:

  • Sudden shortness of breath
  • Chest pain or discomfort that worsens when you take a deep breath or when you cough
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or fainting
  • Rapid pulse
  • Coughing up blood

Postphlebitic syndrome

A common complication that can occur after deep vein thrombosis is known as postphlebitic syndrome, also called postthrombotic syndrome. Damage to your veins from the blood clot reduces blood flow in the affected areas, which can cause:

  • Persistent swelling of your legs (edema)
  • Leg pain
  • Skin discoloration
  • Skin sores

Causes/Risk Factors for DVT?

Many things can raise your chances of getting DVT. Here are some of the most common:

  • Age. DVT can happen at any age, but your risk is greater after age 40.
  • Sitting for long periods. When you sit for long stretches of time, the muscles in your lower legs stay lax. This makes it hard for blood to circulate, or move around, the way it should. Long flights or car rides can put you at risk.
  • Bed rest, like when you’re in the hospital for a long time, can also keep your muscles still and raise your odds of DVT.
  • Pregnancy . Carrying a baby puts more pressure on the veins in your legs and pelvis. What’s more, a clot can happen up to 6 weeks after you give birth.
  • Obesity . People with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 have a higher chance of DVT. This measures how much body fat you have, compared with your height and weight.
  • Serious health issues. Conditions like Irritable bowel disease, cancer, and heart disease can all raise your risk.
  • Certain inherited blood disorders. Some diseases that run in families can make your blood thicker than normal or cause it to clot more than it should.
  • Injury to a vein. This could result from a broken bone, surgery, or other trauma.
  • Smoking makes blood cells stickier than they should be. It also harms the lining of your blood vessels. This makes it easier for clots to form.
  • Birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. The estrogen in these raises your blood’s ability to clot. (Progesterone-only pills don’t have the same risk.)


The diagnosis of superficial thrombophlebitis usually is made by the doctor based upon history, potential risk factors present, and findings from the physical examination.

If the probability of a leg thrombosis is low, a D-Dimer blood test may be ordered.

  • If the D-Dimer is negative, then it is unlikely that a DVT is the diagnosis.
  • If the D-dimer is elevated, then the possibility of a DVT exists and an imaging study, usually ultrasound, is required to look for the DVT


  • Ultrasound is the standard method of diagnosing the presence of a deep vein thrombosis.
  • Other tests

    • Venography, injecting dye into the veins to look for a thrombus, is not usually performed anymore and has become more of a historical footnote.
    • Other blood testing may be considered based on the potential cause for the deep vein thrombosis.


Treatments for DVT and PE


Medication is used to prevent and treat DVT. Compression stockings (also called graduated compression stockings) are sometimes recommended to prevent DVT and relieve pain and swelling. These might need to be worn for 2 years or more after having DVT. In severe cases, the clot might need to be removed surgically.


Immediate medical attention is necessary to treat PE. In cases of severe, life-threatening PE, there are medicines called thrombolytics that can dissolve the clot.  Other medicines, called anticoagulants, may be prescribed to prevent more clots from forming. Some people may need to be on medication long-term to prevent future blood clots.

Treating DVT at Home

When you return home after DVT treatment, your goals are to get better and prevent another blood clot. You’ll need to:

  • Take medications as directed. After a DVT, you’ll take blood thinners for at least 3 to 6 months.
  • See your doctor often. They’ll let you know if your medications are helping and make adjustments if you need them. If you’re taking warfarin, you’ll get a blood test to see how well your blood is clotting.
  • Make sure you aren’t bleeding too much. This is a side effect of blood thinner medications. Even a small cut can get serious when you’re taking blood thinners.
  • Be safe. Talk to your doctor about things that can lead to bruises or cuts. Try not to bump or injure your legs. Don’t cross your legs.
  • Stay active. Even if you’ve been on bed rest after surgery or for other reasons, get moving. That’s a sure way to prevent more blood clots. Don’t sit or stand still for more than an hour at a time. Change positions often, especially if you’re on a long trip.
  • Wear compression stockings. The most common kinds of these special socks go from the arch of your foot to just below or above your knee. They can relieve the pain and swelling in your legs, and they help prevent more clots. Compression stockings come in different levels of pressure. You can get mild ones over the co

     Preventing DVT.

  • Some simple actions include:
    • Lose weight.
    • Exercise.
    • Don’t stay still for long periods — move every 2 hours or so when you’re on a plane or long car trip.
    • Wear loose clothes and drink lots of water when you travel.

    unter, but you’ll need to get fitted and a prescription for stronger ones. Your doctor will help you figure out what kind you need.

  • You may have to wear them for 2 years or longer after you have DVT.
  • Eat a healthy, low-salt diet. Extra pounds put more pressure on the veins in your pelvis and legs. Salt boosts your blood pressure. Keeping your sodium and cholesterol levels low can help you avoid another blood clot.
  • Work on losing weight if you’re carrying extra pounds.
  • Quit smoking. It affects blood flow and circulation, which can raise your odds of getting another clot.
  • Lift up. Raise the bottom of your bed 6 inches off the ground. You can use blocks, books, or special risers you can find online or at home stores

When Traveling

On flights longer than 4 hours, get up and move around. Take the opportunity to walk and stretch between connecting flights, too.

When you’re traveling by car, stop when you can to walk around.

If you’re stuck in your seat, work the muscles in your legs often throughout your trip:

  • Stretch your legs.
  • Flex your feet.
  • Curl or press your toes down.

Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid coffee and alcohol. They’ll dehydrate you, which makes your veins narrower and blood thicker, so you’re more likely to get a clot.

Don’t wear short, tight socks, and try not to cross your legs a lot. You might want to wear compression stockings. They’ll help your blood flow and keep swelling down.

Take Away

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)  can happen to anybody and can cause serious illness, disability, and in some cases, death. The good news is that DVT is preventable and treatable if discovered early.

A healthylifestyle is important for preventing DVT and helping to avoid life-threatening complications. Plus, a healthy lifestyle incorporates many of the changes that are necessary to prevent blood clots. This includes moving more, quitting smoking, and losing weight.

You can lower your risk for DVT and blood clots with a healthy diet. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains deliver essential vitamins and minerals.

Review any vitamins or supplements you take with your doctor and ask about possible interactions with medications. It’s also important you talk with your doctor about any foods or nutrients you should avoid.




Soy Protein: Good or Bad?

The Festival of lights (6)


Soy protein is a protein that is isolated from soybeans, offers multiple health benefits(Glycine max) are a type of legume native to eastern Asia. Soy protein has received increased attention in recent years among consumers, researchers, and themedia.Individuals with a habitually health-conscious lifestyle (e.g., individuals who did not eat meat, but did eat fish, or were vegetarians or vegans) were more likely to consume soy foods than the average personSoybeans are healthful and rich in protein, giving them numerous nutritional uses. People can eat them, drink them in milk alternatives, and take them in the form of supplements.They are an important component of Asian diets and have been consumed for thousands of years. Today, they are mainly grown in Asia and South and North America.

Nutrition Facts:

Soybeans are among the best sources of plant-based protein.

Soy protein isolate powder is made from defatted soybean flakes that have been washed in either alcohol or water to remove the sugars and dietary fiber. They’re then dehydrated and turned into a powder.

This product contains very little fat and no cholesterol.

Soy protein powder is used to make infant soy formula, as well as a variety of meat and dairy alternatives.

Soybeans are low in saturated fat and high in protein, vitamin C, and folate. They are also a good source of:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • thiamin

The nutritional content of other soy products may vary based on how manufacturers have processed them and which ingredients they have added.



Use of soy products during pregnancy can be encouraged because expectant women are likely to receive the same health benefits as other women. Fortified milk and fortified soymilk are the only reliable dietary sources of vitamin D  All other dairy products contain little or no vitamin D. While many women will obtain enough vitamin D from exposure to sunlight, soymilk may be an alternative for those who are overly sensitive to the sun or for those who simply are not able to be or do not enjoy being outdoors. Soymilk may also be an alternative for women who do not like regular milk.


Consumption of soy protein in place of animal protein has been found to reduce serum concentrations of total cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and trigylcerides. Individuals with elevated cholesterol seem to receive the greatest benefit.

Obesity and Diabetes

In recent studies, soy protein contributed to the control of hyperglycemia and reduced body weight, hyperlipidemia, and hyperinsulinemia. These characteristics may be useful to both nondiabetic and diabetic persons in the control of obesity and blood sugar.

Cancer Prevention

Genistein, one of the phytochemicals found in soy, can reduce the risk of cancer.  prevention of breast cancer has received the most attention, and more recent attention has focused on prostate cancer. Genistein blocks cancer development by preventing tumors from creating blood vessels that would provide nourishment for growth .

Vegetarians and Vegans

Vegetarians are individuals who, for various reasons, do not eat meat. Vegans, in comparison, are individuals who do not eat any products from animals, including eggs, milk, and cheese. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products and, therefore, may be lacking in the diet of vegans. Use of soymilk is one way to obtain this essential vitamin. Cereals and meat substitutes are other options.


Infants who are not able to tolerate lactose formulas (those based on cow’s milk, casein/whey-based formulas; e.g., Similac, Enfamil, Carnation) may be prescribed soy-based formulas if they are not breastfed

Types and uses

Soybeans are a high protein plant food that people can prepare and eat in a variety of ways.


Soybeans come in many colors, including:

  • Green soybeans: Young green soybeans are also called edamame. People can steam them and eat them out of the pod as an appetizer. Shelled edamame is also available in salads, stir-fries, and soups.
  • Yellow soybeans: Producers typically use yellow soybeans to make soy milk, tofu, tempeh, and tamari. They also play a role in the production of soy flour for baking.
  • Black soybeans: Several Asian food cultures use simmered or fermented black soybeans in traditional dishes.

Soy milk and cheese are also options for those looking to replace dairy in the diet.

Soybeans also provide soy oil, which people can use for cooking or as an ingredient. After removing the oil from soybeans, people can use the remaining material to make food for farm animals and pets.

Some manufacturers make protein powder and isoflavone supplements from soy. Isoflavones are plant compounds that have a similar structure to estrogen.

Less processed organic soy is the most healthful option. Some examples include:

  • cooked soybeans
  • edamame
  • soy milk
  • tofu
  • tempeh
  • soy nuts


Some people have concerns about the consumption of soy. We cover these concerns in more detail in the sections below.

  • Thyroid function

There is some concern that soy intake may interfere with thyroid function.

Researchers found that women with higher soy intake had a higher chance of having elevated levels of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH).

A high TSH level may signify an underactive thyroid. Researchers did not find the same results in men.

The authors explain that soy is likely to be safe. However, consuming excessive amounts may create health risks in some people, such as those with undiagnosed hypothyroidism.

  • Flatulence and diarrhea

Like most other beans, soybeans contain insoluble fibers, which may cause flatulence and diarrhea in sensitive individuals.If you have IBS, avoiding or limiting the consumption of soybeans may be a good idea.

  • Soy allergy

Food allergy is a common condition caused by a harmful immune reaction to certain components in foods.Soy allergy is triggered by soy proteins — glycinin and conglycinin — found in most soy products. Even though soybeans are one of the most common allergenic foods, soy allergy is relatively uncommon in both children and adults

Take Away

Soy protein is a complete source of protein,offer benefits to women in various life stages. It may aid muscle building, improved diet and cardiovascular status, prevention of certain types of cancer, improved health following menopause, obesity prevention/control, and more options for food variety. Overall, soy is safe for most people and may offer health benefits, including weight loss.If you like the taste or eat plant-based, go ahead and give soy protein a try.


Lung Cancer

robina-weermeijer-Pw9aFhc92P8-unsplashThe month of November brings lung cancer into focus and brings awareness to the ways we can all strive to improve our lung health and empower those impacted by the disease.Lung cancer is the most common cause of death due to cancer in both men and women throughout the world. Nearly 9 out of 10 lung cancers are caused by smoking cigarettes.

What Is Lung Cancer?

Cancer is a disease in which cells in the body grow out of control. When cancer starts in the lungs, it is called lung cancer.One of the most common cancers, lung cancer usually occurs when a cancer-causing agent, or carcinogen, triggers the growth of abnormal cells in the lung. These cells multiply out of control and eventually form a tumor. As the tumor grows, it destroys nearby areas of the lung. Eventually, tumor cells can spread (metastasize) to nearby lymph nodes and other parts of the body. These include the

  • liver
  • bones
  • adrenal glands
  • brain.

In most cases, the carcinogens that trigger lung cancer are chemicals found in cigarette smoke. However, more and more lung cancers are being diagnosed in people who have never smoked.

Lung Cancer

Types of Lung Cancer:

Lung cancers are divided into two groups, based on how their cells look under the microscope:

  • Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
  • Small cell lung cancer.(SCLC)

Non-small cell lung cancer may be localized. This means that it is limited to the lung or that it hasn’t spread beyond the chest. As a result, it can usually be treated with surgery. Small cell lung cancer is rarely localized, even when it is detected early. It is rarely treated with surgery. Knowing whether the cancer has spread is critical, because it affects treatment decisions.

However, even when doctors think that the cancer is localized, it often comes back shortly after surgery. This means cancer cells had started to spread before surgery, but they couldn’t yet be detected.

Non-small cell lung cancer

Non-small cell lung cancer is more likely than small cell cancer to be localized at the time of diagnosis. It also is more likely than small cell cancer to be treatable with surgery. It often responds poorly to chemotherapy (anticancer drugs). However, sophisticated genetic tests can help predict which patients may show favorable responses to particular treatments, including chemotherapy.

Non-small cell lung cancer accounts for about 85% of all lung cancers. These cancers are divided into subgroups, based on how their cells look under a microscope:

  • Adenocarcinoma. This is the most common type of lung cancer. Although it is related to smoking, it is the most common type of lung cancer in nonsmokers. It is also the most common form of lung cancer in women and in people younger than 45. It usually develops near the edge of the lung. It can also involve the pleura, the membrane covering the lung.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma. This type of lung cancer tends to form a mass near the center of the lungs. As the mass gets larger, it can bulge into one of the larger air passages, or bronchi. In some cases, the tumor forms a cavity in the lungs.
  • Large cell carcinoma. Like adenocarcinoma, large cell carcinoma tends to develop at the edge of the lungs and spread to the pleura. Like squamous cell carcinoma, it can form a cavity in the lungs.
  • Adenosquamous carcinoma, undifferentiated carcinoma, and bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.These are relatively rare non-small cell lung cancers. Adenosquamous carcinoma has a worse prognosis compared to either adenocarcinoma or squamous cancer.

Small cell lung cancer 

At the time of diagnosis, small cell lung cancer is more likely than non-small cell cancer to have spread beyond the lung. This makes it almost impossible to cure with surgery. However, it can be managed with chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Small cell cancers account for about 15% of all lung cancers.

Causes and Risk factors:

Risk of all types of lung cancer increase if you:

  • smoke. Smoking cigarettes is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smokers are 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmokers. Cigar and pipe smoking are almost as likely to cause lung cancer as cigarette smoking.
  •  Exposed to radon gas. Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas formed in the ground. It seeps into the lower floors of homes and other buildings and can contaminate drinking water. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer. It’s not clear whether elevated radon levels contribute to lung cancer in nonsmokers. But radon exposure does contribute to lung cancer in smokers and in people who regularly breathe high amounts of the gas at work (miners, for example). You can test radon levels in your home with a radon testing kit.
  • Exposed to asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral used in insulation, fireproofing materials, floor and ceiling tiles, automobile brake linings, and other products. People exposed to asbestos on the job (miners, construction workers, shipyard workers, and some auto mechanics) have a higher-than-normal risk of lung cancer. People who live or work in buildings with asbestos-containing materials that are deteriorating also have an increased risk of lung cancer. The risk is even higher in people who also smoke. Asbestos exposure also increases the risk of developing mesothelioma. It’s a relatively rare and usually fatal cancer that starts in the lining of the lungs.
  • Exposed to other cancer-causing agents at work. These include uranium, arsenic, vinyl chloride, nickel chromates, coal products, mustard gas, chloromethyl ethers, gasoline, and diesel exhaust.
  • Passive smoking: Passive smoking or the inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-smokers who share living or working quarters with smokers, also is an established risk factor for the development of lung cancer.
  • Air pollution : Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and power plants can raise the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals. Up to 1%-2% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to breathing polluted air, and experts believe that prolonged exposure to highly polluted air can carry a risk for the development of lung cancer similar to that of passive smoking.

  • Exposure to diesel exhaust: Exhaust from diesel engines contains gases and soot (particulate matter). Many occupations, such as truck drivers, tollbooth workers, forklift and other heavy machinery operators, railroad and dock workers, miners, garage workers and mechanics, and some farm workers are frequently exposed to diesel exhaust. Studies of workers exposed to diesel exhaust have shown a small but significant increase in the risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Prior history of lung cancer:  Survivors of lung cancer have a greater risk of developing a second lung cancer than the general population has of developing a first lung cancer. Survivors of non-small-cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) have an additive risk of 1%-2% per year for developing a second lung cancer. In survivors of small-cell lung cancers (SCLCs), the risk for development of second lung cancers approaches 6% per year.


In some cases, lung cancer is detected when a person with no symptoms has a chest x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan for another reason. But most people with lung cancer have one or more of these symptoms:

  • a cough that doesn’t go away
  • coughing up blood or mucus
  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath
  • trouble breathing
  • chest pain
  • fever
  • discomfort when swallowing
  • hoarseness
  • weight loss
  • poor appetite.
  • an irregular heart beat if the cancer is located close to the heart

If the cancer has spread beyond the lungs, it can cause other symptoms. For example, you may have bone pain if it has spread to your bones.

Certain small cell lung cancers may secrete chemicals that can alter the body’s chemical composition. For example, levels of sodium and calcium may be abnormal. This can lead to the diagnosis of small cell lung cancer.

Many of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions. See your doctor if you have symptoms so that the problem can be diagnosed and properly treated.


Your doctor may suspect lung cancer based on

  • your symptoms
  • your smoking history
  • whether you live with a smoker
  • your exposure to asbestos and other cancer-causing agents.

To look for evidence of cancer, your doctor will examine you, paying special attention to your lungs and chest. He or she will order imaging tests to check your lungs for masses. In most cases, a chest x-ray will be done first. If the x-ray shows anything suspicious, a CT scan will be done. As the scanner moves around you, it takes many pictures. A computer then combines the images. This creates a more detailed image of the lungs, allowing doctors to confirm the size and location of a mass or tumor.

You may also have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan or a positron emission tomography (PET) scanMRI scans provide detailed pictures of the body’s organs, but they use radio waves and magnets to create the images, not x-rays. PET scans look at the function of tissue rather than anatomy. Lung cancer tends to show intense metabolic activity on a PET scan. Some medical centers offer combined PET-CT scanning.

If cancer is suspected based on these images, more tests will be done to make the diagnosis, determine the type of cancer, and see if it has spread. These tests may include the following:

  • Sputum sample. Coughed up mucus is checked for cancer cells.
  • Biopsy. A sample of abnormal lung tissue is removed and examined under a microscope in a laboratory. If the tissue contains cancer cells, the type of cancer can be determined by the way the cells look under the microscope. The tissue is often obtained during a bronchoscopy. However, surgery may be necessary to expose the suspicious area.
  • Bronchoscopy. During this procedure, a tube-like instrument is passed down the throat and into the lungs. A camera on the end of the tube allows doctors to look for cancer. Doctors can remove a small piece of tissue for a biopsy.
  • Mediastinoscopy. In this procedure, a tube-like instrument is used to biopsy lymph nodes or masses between the lungs. (This area is called the mediastinum.) A biopsy obtained this way can diagnose the type of lung cancer and determine whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes.
  • Fine-needle aspiration. With a CT scan, a suspicious area can be identified. A tiny needle is then inserted into that part of the lung or pleura. The needle removes a bit of tissue for examination in a laboratory. The type of cancer can then be diagnosed.
  • Thoracentesis. If there is fluid build-up in the chest, it can be drained with a sterile needle. The fluid is then checked for cancer cells.
  • Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). In this procedure, a surgeon inserts a flexible tube with a video camera on the end into the chest through an incision. He or she can then look for cancer in the space between the lungs and the chest wall and on the edge of the lung. Abnormal lung tissue can also be removed for a biopsy.
  • Bone scans, MRI scans and CT scans. These imaging tests can detect lung cancer that has spread to the bones, brain, or other parts of the body.


After the cancer has been diagnosed, it is assigned a “stage.” The stages differ for non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer.

Non-small cell lung cancer

Stages of non-small cell lung cancer reflect the tumor’s size and how far the cancer has spread. Stages I through III are further divided into A and B categories.

  • Stage I tumors are small and have not invaded the surrounding tissue or organs.
  • Stage II and III tumors have invaded surrounding tissue and/or organs and have spread to lymph nodes.
  • Stage IV tumors have spread beyond the chest.

Small Cell Lung Cancer

Many experts divide small cell lung cancers into two groups:

  • Limited stage. These cancers involve only one lung and the nearby lymph nodes.
  • Extensive stage. These cancers have spread beyond the lung to other areas of the chest or to distant organs.

Knowing the type of cancer and its stage helps doctors determine the best treatment. Limited stage cancer, for example, may be treated with surgery and/or chemotherapy. Extensive stage cancer is much less likely to be cured.

However, many doctors now stage small cell lung cancers like non-small cell lung cancers. This more formal method may make the terms limited stage and extensive stage obsolete.


After lung cancer has been diagnosed, the type of treatment depends on the type of cancer and how much the tumor has spread i.e, its stage.

Non-small cell lung cancer

Surgery is the main treatment for non-small cell lung cancers that have not spread beyond the chest. The type of surgery will depend on the extent of the cancer. It will also depend on whether other lung conditions, such as emphysema, are present.

There are three types of surgery:

  • Wedge resection removes only a small part of the lung.
  • Lobectomy removes one lobe of the lung.
  • Pneumonectomy removes an entire lung.

Lymph nodes are also removed and examined to see if the cancer has spread.

Some surgeons use video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS) to remove small, early-stage tumors, especially if the tumors are near the outer edge of the lung. (VATS can also be used to diagnose lung cancer.) Because the incisions for VATS are small, this technique is less invasive than a traditional “open” procedure.

Because surgery will remove part or all of a lung, breathing may be more difficult afterwards, especially in patients with other lung conditions (emphysema, for example). Doctors can test lung function prior to surgery and predict how it might be affected by surgery.

Depending on how far the cancer has spread, treatment may include chemotherapy (the use of anticancer drugs) and radiation therapy. These may be given before and/or after surgery.

When the tumor has spread significantly, chemotherapy may be recommended to slow its growth, even if it cannot cure the disease. Chemotherapy has been shown to ease symptoms and prolong life in cases of advanced lung cancer.

Radiation therapy can relieve symptoms, too. It is often used to treat lung cancer that has spread to the brain or bones and is causing pain. It can also be used alone or with chemotherapy to treat the lung cancer that is confined to the chest.

People who may not withstand surgery due to other serious medical problems may receive radiation therapy, with or without chemotherapy, as an alternative to surgery. Advances in radiation have made it possible for prolonged survival in some people, with results similar to surgery.

In specialized cancer centers, cancerous tissue may be tested for specific genetic abnormalities (mutations). Doctors may then be able to treat the cancer with a “targeted therapy.” These therapies can derail the cancer’s growth by preventing or changing chemical reactions linked to particular mutations. For example, some target therapies prevent cancer cells from receiving chemical “messages” telling them to grow.

Knowing about specific genetic mutations can help predict which therapy will be best. This strategy can be especially helpful in certain patients, such as women with adenocarcinoma of the lung who have never smoked.

Small cell lung cancer

The treatment of small cell lung cancer depends on its stage:

  • Limited stage. Treatments include various combinations of chemotherapy, radiation and, rarely, surgery, with or without radiation to the brain to prevent cancer spread. While small cell lung cancer often responds well to chemotherapy, it very often returns months or even years later.
  • Extensive stage. Treatments include chemotherapy, with or without brain radiation, or radiation treatments to areas of existing metastases in the brain, spine or other bones. Even if the imaging tests show that the cancer has not spread to the brain, many experts suggest treating the brain anyway. That’s because cancer cells may be there even if they haven’t yet shown up on the imaging tests. The question of whether or not to use brain radiation must be considered carefully; many patients experience memory loss afterwards. The decision to use brain radiation is a very crucial one, since many patients may experience a decrease in memory function after radiation therapy, with or without chemotherapy.

Prevention of lung cancer


  • Avoiding risk factors and increasing protective factors may help prevent lung cancer.
  • The following are risk factors for lung cancer:
    • Cigarette, cigar, and pipe smoking
    • Secondhand smoke
    • Family history
    • Environmental risk factors
    • Beta carotene supplements in heavy smokers
  • The following are protective factors for lung cancer:
    • Not smoking
    • Quitting smoking
    • Lower exposure to workplace risk factors
    • Lower exposure to radon.

Home remedies for lung cancer symptoms

Home remedies and homeopathic remedies won’t cure cancer. But certain home remedies may help relieve some of the symptoms associated with lung cancer and side effects of treatment.

Ask your doctor if you should take dietary supplements and if so, which ones. Some herbs, plant extracts, and other home remedies can interfere with treatment and endanger your health. Be sure to discuss all complementary therapies with your doctor to make sure they’re safe for you.

Options may include:

  • Massage: With a qualified therapist, massage can help relieve pain and anxiety. Some massage therapists are trained to work with people with cancer.
  • Acupuncture: When performed by a trained practitioner, acupuncture may help ease pain, nausea, and vomiting. But it’s not safe if you have low blood counts or take blood thinners.
  • Meditation: Relaxation and reflection can reduce stress and improve overall quality of life in cancer patients.
  • Hypnosis: Helps you relax and may help with nausea, pain, and anxiety.
  • Yoga: Combining breathing techniques, meditation, and stretching, yoga can help you feel better overall and improve sleep.


There’s no diet specifically for lung cancer. It is important to get all the nutrients your body needs.

If you’re deficient in certain vitamins or minerals, your doctor can advise you which foods can provide them. Otherwise, you’ll need a dietary supplement. Don’t take supplements without talking to your doctor because some can interfere with treatment.

Here are a few dietary tips:

  • Eat whenever you have an appetite.
  • If you don’t have a major appetite, try eating smaller meals throughout the day.
  • If you need to gain weight, supplement with low sugar, high-calorie foods and drinks.
  • Use mint and ginger teas to soothe your digestive system.
  • If your stomach is easily upset or you have mouth sores, avoid spices and stick to bland food.
  • If constipation is a problem, add more high-fiber foods.

As you progress through treatment, your tolerance to certain foods may change. So can your side effects and nutritional needs. It’s worth discussing nutrition with your doctor often. You can also ask for a referral to a nutritionist or dietician.

There’s no diet known to cure cancer, but a well-balanced diet can help you fight side effects and feel better.

Lung Cancer and Survival rate:

Once cancer enters the lymph nodes and bloodstream, it can spread anywhere in the body. The outlook is better when treatment begins before cancer spreads outside the lungs.

Other factors include age, overall health, and how well you respond to treatment. Because early symptoms can be easily overlooked, lung cancer is usually diagnosed in later stages.

Survival rates and other statistics provide a broad picture of what to expect. There are significant individual differences, though. Your doctor is in the best position to discuss your outlook.

Current survival statistics don’t tell the whole story. In recent years, new treatments have been approved for stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Some people are surviving much longer than previously seen with traditional treatments.

The following are the estimated five-year survival rates for NSCLC by SEER stage:

  • Localized: 60 percent
  • Regional: 33 percent
  • Distant: 6 percent
  • All SEER stages: 23 percent

Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is very aggressive. For limited stage SCLC, the five-year survival rate is 14 percentTrusted Source. Median survival is 16 to 24 months. Median survival for extensive stage SCLC is six to 12 months.

Long-term disease-free survival is rare. Without treatment, median survival from diagnosis of SCLC is only two to four months.

The relative five-year survival rate for mesothelioma, a type of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, is 5 to 10 percent.


Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. This disease carries a higher risk of death than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined if not detected and treated early. It is also largely preventable through not smoking. Lung cancer is more treatable if diagnosed in its early stages.

The prognosis and outlook for lung cancer depend upon the cancer type and the spread. People should talk to their doctor who can provide a more accurate prognosis, taking into account the individual’s overall health and the extent of their cancer.


Lung cancer is  the most common, serious and potentially deadly disease that affects a person’s ability to breath.

However, early diagnostic screening of individuals who are at high risk for lung cancer can help them receive treatment in earlier and more treatable stages. Treatment options include surgery to remove sections or all of the lung, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, as well as targeted drug therapy.

If a person has concerns that they could be at risk for lung cancer, they should consult a doctor immediately.


A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is very important. Early detection & action can reduce brain damage and other complications leading to permanent disability or uncommon death.

What is Stroke? (2)

Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease. This means that it affects the blood vessels that feed the brain oxygen. If the brain does not receive enough oxygen, damage may start to occur.

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes.

Although many strokes are treatable, some can lead to disability or death.

Remember “Be Fast”  when you spot a

  • Sudden Loss of Balance
  • Loss of vision in one or both Eyes
  • Face drooping
  • Arm weakness
  • Speech difficulty
  • Time to call  medical emergency

Risk factors:

Risk factors for narrowed blood vessels in the brain are the same as those that cause narrowing blood vessels in the heart and heart attack  these includes:

  • High blood pressure/Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes & Smoking


The sooner a person having a stroke gets care, the better their outcome is likely to be. For this reason, it’s helpful to know the signs of a stroke so you can act quickly. Stroke symptoms can include:

  • Confusion, including difficulty speaking and understanding speech
  • A Head ache, possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting
  • Numbness or an inability to move parts of the face, arm, or leg, particularly on one side of the body
  • Vision problems in one or both eyes
  • Difficulty walking, including dizziness and a lack of coordination.

What are the different types of strokes?

There are three main types of stroke:

  • transient ischemic attack
  • ischemic stroke
  • hemorrhagic stroke.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA):

Doctors also call a transient ischemic attack (TIA) a warning or ministroke. Anything that temporarily blocks blood flow to your brain causes a TIA. The blood clot and TIA symptoms last for a short period of time.

Ischemic stroke

An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot keeps blood from flowing to your brain. The blood clot is often due to atherosclerosis, which is a buildup of fatty deposits on the inner lining of a blood vessel. A portion of these fatty deposits can break off and block blood flow in your brain. The concept is similar to that of a heart attack, where a blood clot blocks blood flow to a portion of your heart.

An ischemic stroke can be embolic, meaning the blood clot travels from another part of your body to your brain. An estimated 15 percent of embolic strokes are due to a condition called atrial fibrillation, where your heart beats irregularly.

A thrombotic stroke is an ischemic stroke caused by a clot forming in a blood vessel in your brain.

Unlike a TIA, the blood clot that causes an ischemic stroke won’t go away without treatment.

Hemorrhagic stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke results when a blood vessel in your brain ruptures or breaks, spilling blood into the surrounding tissues.

There are three main types of hemorrhagic strokes: The first is an aneurysm, which causes a portion of the weakened blood vessel to balloon outward and sometimes rupture. The other is an arteriovenous malformation, which involves abnormally formed blood vessels. If such a blood vessel ruptures, it can cause a hemorrhagic stroke. Lastly, very high blood pressure can cause weakening of the small blood vessels in the brain and result in bleeding into the brain as well.

Diagnosis of stroke

Your doctor will ask you or a family member about your symptoms and what you were doing when they arose. They’ll take your medical history to find out your stroke risk factors. They’ll also:

  • ask what medications you take
  • check your blood pressure
  • listen to your heart

You’ll also have a physical exam, during which the doctor will evaluate you for:

  • balance
  • coordination
  • weakness
  • numbness in your arms, face, or legs
  • signs of confusion
  • vision issues.


Proper medical evaluation and prompt treatment are vital to recovering from a stroke.

You may go through various tests to further help your doctor determine if you’ve had a stroke, or to rule out another condition. These tests include:

Blood tests

Your doctor might draw blood for several blood tests. Blood tests can determine:

  • your blood sugar levels
  • if you have an infection
  • your platelet levels
  • how fast your blood clots

MRI and CT scan

You may undergo either or both a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan and a computerized tomography (CT) scan.

The MRI will help see if any brain tissue or brain cells have been damaged. A CT scan will provide a detailed and clear picture of your brain that shows any bleeding or damage in the brain. It may also show other brain conditions that could be causing your symptoms.


Your doctor may order an electrocardiogram (EKG), too. This simple test records the electrical activity in the heart, measuring its rhythm and recording how fast it beats. It can determine if you have any heart conditions that may have led to stroke, such as a prior heart attack or atrial fibrillation.

Cerebral angiogram

Another test your doctor may order to determine if you’ve had a stroke is a cerebral angiogram. This offers a detailed look at the arteries in your neck and brain. The test can show blockages or clots that may have caused symptoms.

Carotid ultrasound

A carotid ultrasound, also called a carotid duplex scan, can show fatty deposits (plaque) in your carotid arteries, which supply the blood to your face, neck, and brain. It can also show whether your carotid arteries have been narrowed or blocked.


An echocardiogram can find sources of clots in your heart. These clots may have traveled to your brain and caused a stroke.

These stroke types are caused by a blood clot or other blockage in the brain. For that reason, they’re largely treated with similar techniques, which include:

Antiplatelet and anticoagulants

Over-the-counter aspirin is often a first line of defense against stroke damage. Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs should be taken within 24 to 48 hours after stroke symptoms begin.

Clot-breaking drugs

Thrombolytic drugs can break up blood clots in your brain’s arteries, which still stop the stroke and reduce damage to the brain.

One such drug, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), or Alteplase IV r-tPA, is considered the gold standard in ischemic stroke treatment. It works by dissolving blood clots quickly, if delivered within the first 3 to 4.5 hours after symptoms of your stroke began. People who receive a tPA injection are more likely to recover from a stroke, and less likely to have any lasting disability as a result of the stroke.

Mechanical thrombectomy

During this procedure, the doctor inserts a catheter into a large blood vessel inside your head. They then use a device to pull the clot out of the vessel. This surgery is most successful if it’s performed 6 to 24 hours after the stroke begins.


If your doctor finds where artery walls have weakened, they may perform a procedure to inflate the narrowed artery and support the walls of the artery with a stent.


In the rare instances that other treatments don’t work, your doctor may perform surgery to remove a blood clot and plaques from your arteries. This may be done with a catheter, or if the clot is especially large, your doctor may open an artery to remove the blockage.

Hemorrhagic stroke

Strokes caused by bleeds or leaks in the brain require different treatment strategies. Treatments for hemorrhagic stroke include:


Unlike with an ischemic stroke, if you’re having a hemorrhagic stroke, the treatment goal is to make your blood clot. Therefore, you may be given medication to counteract any blood thinners you take.

You may also be prescribed drugs that can reduce blood pressure, lower the pressure in your brain, prevent seizures, and prevent blood vessel constriction.


During this procedure, your doctor guides a long tube to the area of hemorrhage or weakened blood vessel. They then install a coil-like device in the area where the artery wall is weak. This blocks blood flow to the area, reducing bleeding.


During imaging tests, your doctor may discover an aneurysm that hasn’t started bleeding yet or has stopped. To prevent additional bleeding, a surgeon may place a tiny clamp at the base of the aneurysm. This cuts off blood supply and prevents a possible broken blood vessel or new bleeding.


If your doctor sees that an aneurysm has burst, they may do surgery to clip the aneurysm and prevent additional bleeding. Likewise, a craniotomy may be needed to relieve the pressure on the brain after a large stroke.

Recovery And  Rehabilitation:

It’s important that recovery and rehabilitation from a stroke start as soon as possible. In fact, stroke recovery should begin in the hospital. There, a care team can stabilize your condition, assess the effects of the stroke, identify underlying factors, and begin therapy to help you regain some of your affected skills.

Stroke recovery focuses on four main areas:

Speech therapy

A stroke can cause speech and language impairment. A speech and language therapist will work with you to relearn how to speak. Or, if you find verbal communication difficult after a stroke, they’ll help you find new ways of communication.

Cognitive therapy

After a stroke, many survivors have changes to their thinking and reasoning skills. This can cause behavioral and mood changes. An occupational therapist can help you work to regain your former patterns of thinking and behavior and to control your emotional responses.

Relearning sensory skills

If the part of your brain that relays sensory signals is affected during the stroke, you may find that your senses are “dulled” or no longer working. That may mean that you don’t feel things well, such as temperature, pressure, or pain. A therapist can help you learn to adjust to this lack of sensation.

Physical therapy

Muscle tone and strength may be weakened by a stroke, and you may find you’re unable to move your body as well as you could before. A physical therapist will work with you to regain your strength and balance, and find ways to adjust to any limitations.

Rehabilitation may take place in a rehabilitation clinic, a skilled nursing home, or your own home.

Preventive Measures:

In addition to emergency treatment,Recovery and Rehab  healthcare providers will also advise you on ways to prevent future strokes.

  • Quit smoking.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation.
  • Keep weight in check
  • Regular Checkups

Taking all these measures will help put you in better shape to prevent stroke.

Conclusion/ Take away

If you suspect or experiencing symptoms of a stroke, it’s crucial  you seek emergency medical treatment. Clot-busting medication can only be provided in the first hours after the signs of a stroke begin, (i.e, first 3hrs- 4.5hrs are said to be golden period) and early treatment is one of the most effective ways to reduce your risk for long-term complications and disability.

Prevention is possible, whether you’re preventing a first stroke or trying to prevent a second. Medications can help reduce the risk of blood clots, which lead to strokes. Speakup with your doctor to find a prevention strategy that works for you, including medical intervention and lifestyle changes.

