Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Cervical Polyps: Causes, symptoms and treatments

The cervix is a tubelike channel that connects the uterus to the vagina. Cervical polyps are growths that usually appear on the cervix where it opens into the vagina. Polyps are usually cherry-red to reddish-purple or grayish-white. They vary in size and often look like bulbs on thin stems. Cervical polyps are usually not cancerous (benign) and can occur alone or in groups. Most polyps are small, about 1 centimeter to 2 centimeters long. Because rare types of cancerous conditions can look like polyps, all polyps should be removed and examined for signs of cancer.

The cause of cervical polyps is not well understood, but they are associated with inflammation of the cervix. They also may result from an abnormal response to the female hormone estrogen.

Cervical polyps are relatively common, especially in women older than 20 who have had at least one child. They are rare in girls who have not started menstruating. There are two types of cervical polyps:

  • Ectocervical polyps can develop from the outer surface layer cells of the cervix. They are more common in postmenopausal women.
  • Endocervical polyps develop from cervical glands inside the cervical canal. Most cervical polyps are endocervical polyps, and are more common in premenopausal women.


Cervical polyps may not cause any symptoms. However, you may experience:

  • Discharge, which can be foul-smelling if there is an infection
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Heavier bleeding during periods
  • Bleeding after intercourse


If you have a cervical polyp, you probably won’t be able to feel it or see it. Cervical polyps are discovered during routine pelvic exams or evaluations for bleeding or while getting a Pap test.

Expected Duration

Sometimes a polyp will come off on its own during sexual intercourse or menstruation. However, most polyps need to be removed to treat any symptoms and to evaluate the tissue for signs of cancer, which is rare.


Cervical Polyps



Visit your doctor for an annual Pap test and for regular pelvic exams. A direct examination is the best way to identify cervical polyps.


Cervical polyps are removed surgically, usually in a doctor’s office. The doctor will use a special instrument, called a polyp forceps, to grasp the base of the polyp stem and then gently pluck the polyp with a gentle, twisting motion. Bleeding is usually brief and limited. Nonprescription, mild pain medication such as acetaminophen (Tylenol and others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin and others) can help to relieve discomfort or cramping during or after the procedure.

The polyp or polyps are sent to a laboratory for examination. You may receive antibiotics if the polyp shows signs of infection. If the polyp is cancerous, treatment will depend on the extent and type of cancer.

Large polyps and polyp stems that are very broad usually need to be removed in an operating room using local, regional or general anesthesia. You will not need to stay in the hospital overnight. Cervical polyps may grow in the future from different areas of the cervix, usually not from the original site. Regular pelvic examination will help to identify and treat polyps before they cause symptoms.

When To Call a Professional

If you experience vaginal discharge, bleeding after intercourse, or bleeding between periods, make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible for a pelvic exam.


The outlook is excellent. The vast majority of cervical polyps are not cancerous. Once removed, polyps usually don’t come back.


Stem cells and Procedures

Humans are the most advanced in the order of creation, they have been gifted with the intellect which they have been using in different fields and helping mankind make his life easier and simpler. With the advance in technology medicine was not far behind. The so called “incurable diseases” started finding a cure, psychiatric patients were unshackled after the discovery of neurotransmitters responsible for psychiatric illnesses. Antibiotics and vaccines started curing and preventing serious infectious diseases.

However the neuro-degenerative diseases such as dementia, MNDs, spinal cord injury, parkinsonism, cerebral palsy etc., still are in search of that elusive drug. But with the discovery of stem cell therapy the hitherto “elusive drug” the magic remedy has been found which has come to salvage scores of patients suffering from these debilitating illnesses.

What is stem cell?
Stem cells can be called as the ‘mother cells’. They originate from the developing embryo and differentiate into different types of cells for example the heart muscle, the liver, brain, skin, bone etc. Etc., They are known as progenitors cells since they lead to creation of new cells.

When these stem cells are transplanted into the body they migrate to the injured areas in the body , get attached there and transform themselves into the tissue desired and replace the damaged one.
This is the theory behind the use of stem cells in most of the neuro-degenerative and autoimmune disorders.


Essentially there are two types of stem cell therapy:

  • Autologous therapy where the patient is given stem cells derived from his own bone marrow, or adipose (fat) tissue.
  • Allogenic therapy where the donor cells are used ( not the patient himself but some other persons cells are transplanted)


What are Keloids: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that occur at the site of a skin injury. They occur where trauma, surgery, blisters, vaccinations, acne or body piercing have injured the skin. Less commonly, keloids may form in places where the skin has not had a visible injury. Keloids differ from normal mature scars in composition and size. Some people are prone to keloid formation and may develop them in several places.


Keloids are more common in African-Americans. They are seen most commonly on the shoulders, upper back and chest, but they can occur anywhere. When a keloid is associated with a skin incision or injury, the keloid scar tissue continues to grow for a time after the original wound has closed, becoming larger and more visible until it reaches a final size. They generally occur between 10 and 30 years of age and affect both sexes equally, although they may be more common among young women with pierced ears. Keloids may form over the breastbone in people who have had open heart surgery.


Keloids usually appear in areas of previous trauma but may extend beyond the injured area. They are shiny, smooth and rounded skin elevations that may be pink, purple, or brown. They can be doughy or firm and rubbery to the touch, and they often feel itchy, tender or uncomfortable. They may be unsightly. A large keloid in the skin over a joint may interfere with joint function.

Expected Duration:

Keloids may continue to grow slowly for weeks, months or years. They eventually stop growing but do not disappear on their own. Once a keloid develops, it is permanent unless removed or treated successfully. It is common for keloids that have been removed or treated to return.


People who are prone to keloids should avoid cosmetic surgery. When surgery is necessary in such people, doctors can take special precautions to minimize the formation of keloids at the site of the incision. Examples of techniques that might be used to minimize keloid formation include covering the healing wound with hypoallergenic paper tape for several weeks after surgery, covering the wound with small sheets made of a silicone gel after the surgery, or using corticosteroid injections or radiation treatments at the site of the surgical wound at the beginning of the healing period.


There is no single treatment for keloids, and most treatments do not give completely satisfying results. Two or more treatments may be combined. If you decide to pursue treatment for a keloid scar, you will have the best results if you start treatment soon after the keloid appears. Available treatments include:

  • Removal with conventional surgery — This unreliable technique requires great care, and keloids that return after being removed may be larger than the original. Keloids return in more than 45% of people when they are removed surgically. Keloids are less likely to return if surgical removal is combined with other treatments.
  • Dressings — Moist wound coverings made of silicone gel sheets have been shown in studies to sometimes reduce the size of keloids over time. This treatment is safe and painless.
  • Corticosteroid injections — Injections with triamcinolone acetonide or another corticosteroid medicine typically are repeated at intervals of four to six weeks. This treatment can often reduce keloid size and irritation, but injections are uncomfortable.
  • Compression — This involves using a bandage or tape to apply continuous pressure 24 hours a day for a period of six to 12 months. Such compression can cause a keloid to become smaller. For keloids that form at the site of an ear piercing, a clip known as a “Zimmer splint” usually reduces keloid size by at least 50% after one year of compression. Zimmer splints that resemble earrings are available.
  • Cryosurgery — This freezing treatment with liquid nitrogen is repeated every 20 to 30 days. It can cause a side effect of lightening the skin color, which limits this treatment’s usefulness.
  • Radiation therapy — This therapy is controversial because radiation increases the risk of cancer. Radiation treatments may reduce scar formation if they are used soon after a surgery, during the time a surgical wound is healing.
  • Laser therapy — This is an alternative to conventional surgery for keloid removal. There is no good evidence that keloids are less likely to return after laser therapy than after regular surgery.
  • Experimental treatments — One treatment showing promise is injecting keloid scars with medicines that were developed to treat autoimmune illnesses or cancers. Treatments with these medicines (various types of interferon and the chemotherapy agents 5-fluorouracil and bleomycin) will need to be evaluated further before they are appropriate for use outside of research studies.


Cirrhosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments


Cirrhosis is a complication of many liver diseases that is characterized by abnormal structure and function of the liver. The diseases that lead to cirrhosis do so because they injure and kill liver cells, and the inflammation and repair that is associated with the dying liver cells causes scar tissue to form. The liver cells that do not die multiply in an attempt to replace the cells that have died. This results in clusters of newly-formed liver cells (regenerative nodules) within the scar tissue. There are many causes of cirrhosis; they include chemicals (such as alcohol, fat, and certain medications), viruses, toxic metals (such as iron and copper that accumulate in the liver as a result of genetic diseases), and autoimmune liver disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the liver.
Cirrhosis is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrosis, scar tissue and regenerative nodules (lumps that occur as a result of a process in which damaged tissue is regenerated), leading to loss of liver function. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B and C, and fatty liver disease, but has many other possible causes. Some cases are idiopathic (i.e., of unknown cause). Ascites (fluid retention in the abdominal cavity) is the most common complication of cirrhosis, and is associated with a poor quality of life, increased risk of infection, and a poor long-term outcome. Other potentially life-threatening complications are hepatic encephalopathy (confusion and coma) and bleeding from esophageal varices.

Major Causes Of Liver Cirrhosis:

  1. Chronic alcohol consumption – Consuming alcohol regularly causes the development of liver cirrhosis. This is the most important and common cause of liver cirrhosis. 30 % of the individuals who drink 8 to 14 ounces of alcholol ( hard drinks) for about 10-12 years can develop liver cirrhosis. In the beginning, it is fatty liver but slowly the fat keeps on accumulating over the liver cells and hampering their functions, suffocating them and more alcohol keeps on injuring them, leading to their death and scarring.
  2. Hepatitis A,B, C, D ,E , F ,G – Although hepatitis A has not been implicated as major reason for cirrhosis of the liver but more deadly hepatitis types like B, C and G are considered devastating for the liver. The virus can remain dormant for years but can attack anytime leading to fulminant hepatic failure. Treatment of hepatitis is very important to prevent cirrhosis at later stage. Hepatitis is one of the leading causes of liver cirrhosis.
  3. Too many drugs consumed for other diseases - for example for gout, for arthritis, for skin, for allergies and so on – people keep on consuming various drugs which are metabolized in liver but ignoring the burden on liver, they keep on popping pills and putting pressure on liver, causing liver cirrhosis.
  4. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease - This disease can be caused by metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity. Obesity also puts a lot of burden on the liver and slowly causes cirrhosis.
  5. Cryptogenic Cirrhosis - It is one of the major reasons for liver transplant now a days. It is called cryptogenic cirrhosis as it is not explainable. The reasons are not known to current day medical science and tht’s why it is called cryptogenic. Usually it is due to long standing obesity, diabetes and insulin resistance.
  6. Primary biliary cirrhosis is a liver disease caused by disturbance of immune system, when the immune system starts attacking our own bile ducts in the lvier. The bile ducts carries the bile From liver to the intestine. This bile helps in digestion and contains bilirubin. If these bile duct is blocked due to certain reasons, the process of liver destruction starts. Slowly as the liver cells are being destroyed, the whole liver becomes inflamed and a process of hepatic cells damage starts leading to accumulate of waste products in the liver and causing more damage.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Liver Cirrhosis?

  1. Weight loss and loss of appetite
  2. Weakness and fatigue
  3. Jaundice
  4. Accumulation of water in abdominal cavity called Ascites
  5. Encephalopathy
  6. Bleeding in esophagus due to backlog/ pooling of blood. Also called esophageal varices
  7. Redness of the palm.
  8. Duputryen’s contracture.
  9. Clubbing of the fingers
  10. Enlargement of parotid and lachrymal gland
  11. Red spidery patches on the skin.
  12. Spider naevi – around naval
  13. Decreased body hair
  14. Gynaecomastia in men
  15. Hirsuitism, menstrual abnormalities in females
  16. Enlarged spleen.


Cirrhosis is generally irreversible, and treatment usually focuses on preventing progression and complications. In advanced stages of cirrhosis the only option is a liver transplant.

2D echo cardiogram: Procedures

An echocardiogram uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. This commonly used test allows your doctor to see how your heart is beating and pumping blood. Your doctor can use the images from an echocardiogram to identify various abnormalities in the heart muscle and valves.

Depending on what information your doctor needs, you may have one of several types of echocardiograms. Each type of echocardiogram has few risks involved.

Why it’s Done:

  • Transthoracic echocardiogram. This is a standard, noninvasive echocardiogram. A technician (sonographer) spreads gel on your chest and then presses a device known as a transducer firmly against your skin, aiming an ultrasound beam through your chest to your heart. The transducer records the sound wave echoes your heart produces. A computer converts the echoes into moving images on a monitor. If your lungs or ribs block the view, a small amount of intravenous dye may be used to improve the images.
  • Transesophageal echocardiogram. If it’s difficult to get a clear picture of your heart with a standard echocardiogram, your doctor may recommend a transesophageal echocardiogram. In this procedure, a flexible tube containing a transducer is guided down your throat and into your esophagus, which connects your mouth to your stomach. From there, the transducer can obtain more-detailed images of your heart. Your throat will be numbed, and you’ll have medications to help you relax during a transesophageal echocardiogram.
  • Doppler echocardiogram. When sound waves bounce off blood cells moving through your heart and blood vessels, they change pitch. These changes (Doppler signals) can help your doctor measure the speed and direction of the blood flow in your heart. Doppler techniques are used in most transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiograms, and they can check blood flow problems and blood pressures in the arteries of your heart that traditional ultrasound might not detect. Sometimes, the blood flow shown on the monitor is colorized to help your doctor pinpoint any problems (color flow echocardiogram).
  • Stress echocardiogram. Some heart problems — particularly those involving the coronary arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle — occur only during physical activity. For a stress echocardiogram, ultrasound images of your heart are taken before and immediately after walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike. If you’re unable to exercise, you may get an injection of a medication to make your heart work as hard as if you were exercising.


Your doctor will look for healthy heart valves and chambers, as well as normal heartbeats. Information from the echocardiogram may show:

  • Heart size. Weakened or damaged heart valves, high blood pressure or other diseases can cause the chambers of your heart to enlarge. Your doctor can use an echocardiogram to evaluate the need for treatment or monitor treatment effectiveness.
  • Pumping strength. An echocardiogram can help your doctor determine your heart’s pumping strength. Specific measurements may include the percentage of blood that’s pumped out of a filled ventricle with each heartbeat (ejection fraction) or the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute (cardiac output). If your heart isn’t pumping enough blood to meet your body’s needs, heart failure may be a concern.
  • Damage to the heart muscle. During an echocardiogram, your doctor can determine whether all parts of the heart wall are contributing normally to your heart’s pumping activity. Parts that move weakly may have been damaged during a heart attack or be receiving too little oxygen. This may indicate coronary artery disease or various other conditions.
  • Valve problems. An echocardiogram shows how your heart valves move as your heart beats. Your doctor can determine if the valves open wide enough for adequate blood flow or close fully to prevent blood leakage. Abnormal blood flow patterns and certain conditions, such as aortic valve stenosis — when the heart’s aortic valve is narrowed — can be detected as well.
  • Heart defects. Many heart defects can be detected with an echocardiogram, including problems with the heart chambers, abnormal connections between the heart and major blood vessels, and complex heart defects that are present at birth. Echocardiograms can even be used to monitor a baby’s heart development before birth.



There are few risks involved in a standard transthoracic echocardiogram. You may feel some discomfort similar to pulling off an adhesive bandage when the technician removes the electrodes placed on your chest during the procedure.

If you have a transesophageal echocardiogram, your throat may be sore for a few hours afterward. Rarely, the tube may scrape the inside of your throat. Your oxygen level will be monitored during the exam to check for any breathing problems caused by sedation medication.

During a stress echocardiogram, exercise or medication — not the echocardiogram itself — may temporarily cause an irregular heartbeat. Serious complications, such as a heart attack, are rare.



Dyslexia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Dyslexia is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain’s processing of graphic symbols.

It is a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material and is typically characterized by difficulties in word recognition, spelling, and decoding.

People with dyslexia have problems with reading comprehension.

The National Center for Learning Disabilities says that dyslexia is a neurological and often genetic condition, and not the result of poor teaching, instruction, or upbringing.

Dyslexia is not linked to intelligence.

Symptoms of dyslexia

The most common signs and symptoms associated with dyslexia are:

  • Learning to read – the child, despite having normal intelligence and receiving proper teaching and parental support, has difficulty learning to read.
  • Milestones reached later – the child learns to crawl, walk, talk, and ride a bicycle later than the majority of other kids.
  • Speech – apart from being slow to learn to speak, the child commonly mispronounces words, finds rhyming extremely challenging, and does not appear to distinguish between different word sounds.
  • Slow at learning sets of data – at school, the child takes much longer than the other children to learn the letters of the alphabet and how they are pronounced. There may also be problems remembering the days of the week, months of the year, colors, and some arithmetic tables.
  • Coordination – the child may seem clumsier than their peers. Catching a ball may be difficult.
  • Left and right – the child commonly gets “left” and “right” mixed up.
  • Reversal – numbers and letters may be reversed without realizing.
  • Spelling – might not follow a pattern of progression seen in other children. The child may learn how to spell a word today and completely forget the next day.
  • Phonology problems – phonology refers to the speech sounds in a language. If a word has more than two syllables, phonology processing becomes much more difficult. For example, with the word “unfortunately” a person with dyslexia may be able to process the sounds “un” and “ly,” but not the ones in between.
  • Concentration span – children with dyslexia commonly find it hard to concentrate. Many adults with dyslexia say this is because, after a few minutes of non-stop struggling, the child is mentally exhausted. A higher number of children with dyslexia also have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), compared with the rest of the population.
  • Sequencing ideas – when a person with dyslexia expresses a sequence of ideas, they may seem illogical.
  • Autoimmune conditions – people with dyslexia are more likely to develop immunological problems, such as hay fever, asthma, eczema, and other allergies.


Causes of dyslexia

A child doing homework
A child with dyslexia may have more difficulty than usual in reading, spelling, and concentrating.

Specialist doctors and researchers are not sure what causes a person to develop dyslexia.

Some evidence points to the possibility that the condition is inherited, as dyslexia often runs in families.

Genetic causes of dyslexia

A team at the Yale School of Medicine found that defects in a gene, known as DCDC2, were associated with problems in reading performance.

Treatments for dyslexia

It is important for family members and the person with dyslexia to remember that dyslexia is not a disease. We live in a society where reading and writing are integral parts of everyday life – interventions that help people with dyslexia are aimed at improving their coping skills.

There is currently no “cure” for dyslexia. There are, however, a range of specialist and well-targeted interventions that can help children and adults improve their reading and writing skills.

The sooner a child is diagnosed and receives support, the more likely he or she will achieve long-term improvements.

Psychological testing helps the teacher develop a better-targeted teaching program for the child.

A teacher who is trained in helping children with dyslexia will use a range of techniques to improve the child’s reading skills. These techniques usually involve tapping into the child’s senses, including touch, vision, and hearing.

Some children find that tracing their finger around the shape of letters helps them process data more effectively.

Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms & Treatments

Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder that progresses slowly. Some people will first notice a sense of weakness, difficulty walking, and stiff muscles. Others may notice a tremor of the head or hands. Parkinson’s is a progressive disorder and the symptoms gradually worsen. The general symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include:

  • Slowness of voluntary movements, especially in the initiation of such movements as walking or rolling over in bed
  • Decreased facial expression, monotonous speech, and decreased eye blinking
  • A shuffling gait with poor arm swing and stooped posture
  • Unsteady balance; difficulty rising from a sitting position
  • Continuous “pill-rolling” motion of the thumb and forefinger
  • Abnormal tone or stiffness in the trunk and extremities
  • Swallowing problems in later stages
  • Lightheadedness or fainting when standing (orthostatic hypotension).


What Is Pallidotomy?

It is thought that the part of the brain called the globus pallidus becomes overactive in Parkinson’s disease. This overactivity acts like a brake and slows or diminishes bodily movement. Pallidotomy surgery permanently destroys the overactive globus pallidus to lessen the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. This treatment can eliminate rigidity and significantly reduce tremor, bradykinesia, and balance problems. Pallidotomy can also enhance the effect of medication in people with an advanced form of the disease.

What Is Thalamotomy?

It is thought that the abnormal brain activity that causes tremor is processed through the thalamus. Thalamotomy destroys part of the thalamus to block the abnormal brain activity from reaching the muscles and causing tremor. Because thalamotomy is used only to control tremors, it is not generally recommended as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease.



Ankle disorders: Causes, symptoms & Treatments

What causes ankle disorders?

The causes of ankle disorders vary, and can include running, jumping, and overuse. Other common causes of ankle sprains and fractures include:

  • twisting or rotating the ankle beyond the normal range of motion
  • tripping or falling
  • landing on the foot with increased force

Other injuries that can lead to tendonitis in the ankle or Achilles tendonitiscan be caused by:

  • lack of conditioning for the muscles in the leg and foot
  • excess strain on the Achilles tendon, the tendon that connects your calf muscles to your heel
  • bone spurs in the heel that rub on the Achilles tendon
  • untreated flat feet leading to additional stress on the posterior tibialis tendon

Different types of arthritis (inflammation of joints and tissues) can also affect the foot and ankle:

  • Osteoarthritis is a degenerative type of arthritis that typically begins in middle age and slowly progresses. Over time, cartilage between your bones becomes worn down. This results in pain and stiffness in your joints.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease. It occurs when your body mistakenly attacks its own healthy tissues. RA affects your joints and also destroys cartilage.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis occurs after an injury to your foot or ankle. Stress from the injury can cause your joints to become stiff or inflamed, even years after the injury occurred.

What are the symptoms of ankle disorders?

The symptoms of ankle disorders will vary based on the specific type of injury. Common symptoms include:
  • pain
  • swelling
  • stiffness
  • problems moving the ankle
  • inability to put any weight on the ankle
  • difficulty walking
  • bruising

Tendonitis and Achilles tendonitis may produce similar symptoms, but can be accompanied by:

  • pain along the back of the heel that gets worse throughout the day
  • thickening of the tendon
  • swelling that gets worse with physical activity
  • loud popping sounds at the back of the heel, signaling a ruptured tendon. If this occurs, seek emergency medical attention.


Treatment will depend on your condition and your symptoms. Treatments can include nonsurgical and surgical options. Nonsurgical options involve:

  • taking pain medications
  • taking medications to reduce swelling and inflammation, like aspirin or ibuprofen
  • resting and elevating your ankle
  • applying ice packs to reduce swelling
  • wearing compression bandages or casts to immobilize your ankle
  • getting cortisone (steroid) injections to reduce pain and swelling

Severe fractures or ruptured tendons may require surgical treatment. Surgical procedures used to treat ankle disorders include:

  • reconstruction to rebuild bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments in your ankle
  • removal of damaged tissue (debridement)
  • lengthening the calf muscles to reduce pressure on your Achilles tendon
  • fusion of the bones in your ankle to make it more stable (arthrodesis)
  • replacement of your ankle joint (arthroplasty).


Endometriosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

Endometriosis is a medical condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, grows in other places, such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries or along the pelvis. When that lining breaks down, like the regular lining in the uterus that produces the menstruation, it has nowhere to go. This causes cysts, heavy periods, severe cramps and even infertility.

The endometrial tissue may also grow in the vagina, cervix, bowel or bladder, and in rare cases it may spread to other parts of the body, such as the lungs.

The cause of endometriosis is unknown, but researchers have several theories. One theory is that during menstruation, blood with endometrial cells flows back into the fallopian tubes. The cells are rooted there and grow a new lining. Another theory is that the bloodstream carries endometrial cells throughout the body.

It’s also possible that problems with the immune system contribute to the development of endometriosis, when the immune system does not properly detect and destroy endometrial tissue outside of the uterus.

Yet another theory is that abdominal cells that were present since a woman’s embryonic state retain their ability to become endometrial cells. Because endometriosis sometimes run in families, it’s theorized that a person’s genetics can contribute to the development of the condition.

The most common symptom of endometriosis is cramping during menstruation, which can get worse over time, and can be debilitating. The pain is due to internal bleeding from the lining being shed inside the body — in a place where it doesn’t belong — and can also lead to scar tissue formation, blocked fallopian tubes, and bowel problems.

Although many women experience some pain during their periods, women with endometriosis often say their menstrual pain is much worse than usual, and increases over time.

Women should see their doctor if they experience pelvic pain that persists. At first, some women with endometriosis experience pain just before the start of their period, but as the condition progresses, the pain may start in mid-cycle (during ovulation), and continue until after the woman’s period ends.

Women with the condition may also experience pain while having sex, fatigue, painful urination or bowel movements during menstruation and gastrointestinal upset. Infertility and bleeding between periods are also symptoms of endometriosis.

Some women don’t experience any symptoms at all, but realize they have the condition when they are unable to get pregnant.


The only way for endometriosis to be diagnosed for certain is through laparoscopy, which is a minor surgical procedure that involves your doctor putting a thin scope into your abdomen to view your pelvic organs. If the doctor sees the extra endometrial tissue during the laparoscopy, he or she can also remove it right there to treat the condition.

However, other basic medical tests are typically performed first, before a laparoscopy. These include a pelvic exam, where the doctor manually feels for abnormalities such as cysts, or an abdominal or vaginal ultrasound, which uses sound waves to create an image of the uterus and reproductive organs. Vaginal and abdominal ultrasounds can’t definitively diagnosis endometriosis, but they can test for cysts that may be caused by the condition.

If all other causes of pelvic pain can be ruled out, the doctor can choose to treat the condition surgically or with medicine.

There are several risk factors for endometriosis none of which can really be helped. They include: never having given birth, having a mother with endometriosis, having menstrual cycles that are shorter than 27 days and bleeding that lasts longer than eight days,  having a medical condition that makes the passage of menstrual flow irregular, and having previous damage to cells that line the pelvis.

The biggest complication with endometriosis is fertility problems. About a third to a half of women with endometriosis have difficulties getting pregnant. Infertility can occur because the condition can create adhesions that trap the egg near the ovary, making it difficult for it to travel down the fallopian tube to be fertilized by sperm.

However, that doesn’t mean all women with endometriosis can’t get pregnant – it just might take them a little longer.

Treatment for endometriosis can involve pain medication (for the severe cramping), hormone therapy to slow growth of the endometrial tissue and surgery to remove the tissue. A number of factors go into determining a woman’s treatment, including her age, the severity of her symptoms, and whether the patient wants to become pregnant.

For women who are not trying to become pregnant, hormonal birth control pills are usually the first step in treatment.

For women who are trying to become pregnant, treatment may involve gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, which stops ovulation. This treatment is usually recommended for only six months at a time, and pregnancy is possible once treatment is stopped.

For women whose symptoms are not relieved by medication, surgery is another treatment option. Laparoscopy and laparotomy are common forms of surgery used to treat endometriosis. They require going in through the abdominal region to remove the endometrial tissue.

Most women experience relief from pain after surgery, but the pain may come back within two years. Birth-control pills and other medications may be used along with surgery to help extend the pain-free period.

However, if symptoms keep coming back after these surgical procedures, a hysterectomy, or total removal of the uterus, may be a “last resort” option. The condition is less likely to come back after this procedure.


Mini-thoracotomy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

What is an atrial septal defect?

An atrial septal defect or ASD is an opening between the upper two chambers of the heart, known as the right atrium and the left atrium. A congenital heart defect, an ASD permits mixing of deoxygenated blood returning to the heart from the body (right atrium) and freshly oxygenated blood coming from the lungs (left atrium). The degree of mixing is largely related to the size of the defect and the relative pressures in each atrium. Early in life, blood from the left atrium preferentially moves into the right atrium, causing excessive blood to flow through the lungs. If this flow, otherwise known as “shunting” is significant enough, resistance to flow develops in the lung resulting in a gradual reversal of shunting of deoxygenated blood from the right atrium into the left atrium and subsequently through the body. This latter condition can lead to a condition called “cyanosis” whereby inadequately oxygenated blood is delivered to the body causing early fatigue and congestive heart failure.

Atrial Septal DefectAtrial Septal Defect


Blood can flow between the two upper heart chambers through the ASD.

When blood flows between the two heart chambers. This is called a shunt. Pressure in the lungs may build up. Over time, there will be less oxygen in the blood that goes to the body.

Small atrial septal defects often cause very few problems, and may be discovered much later in life. Many problems can occur if the opening is large, or if there is more than one opening.  ASD is not very common.


A person with no other heart defect, or a small defect (less than 5 millimeters) may not have symptoms, or the symptoms may not occur until middle age or later.

Symptoms that do occur may begin at any time after birth through childhood. They can include:

  • Difficulty breathing (dyspnea)
  • Frequent respiratory infections in children
  • Feeling the heart beat (palpitations) in adults
  • Shortness of breath with activity

How is an atrial septal defect treated?

Small atrial septal defects can often be followed conservatively without surgery, due to minimal shunting. Larger ASDs should be closed to prevent the late irreversible consequences of excessive left-to-right shunting. ASDs can be closed surgically by simply sewing them closed or, in the case of larger ASDs, placing a patch of the patient’s own tissue or synthetic material (e.g., Dacron) over it.

How is an atrial septal defect repaired?

ASD repairs require the use of cardiopulmonary bypass, otherwise known as “the heart-lung machine.” This permits the surgeon to safely open the right atrium and access the ASD in a relatively bloodless field. In some cases, the heart is also stopped for 1 to 2 hours to facilitate the repair. Repairs range from relatively simple operations to more complex procedures depending on the location, size, and characteristics of the ASD. The total duration of the operation ranges from 2 to 3 hours.

What are minimally invasive approaches to an atrial septal defect?

The most common surgical approach requires the surgeon to saw open the breastbone and spread the edges apart to gain direct access to the heart. Although this approach provides excellent access to the heart, the resulting wound requires several months to heal completely, an extended recovery period with substantial activity restrictions, and can be subject to serious complications including infection, breakdown, and even death.

Mini-ASD Repair

Minimally Invasive ApproachMinimally Invasive Approach to ASD Closure

Currently at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, the most commonly employed minimally invasive approach to ASDs is a “mini-thoracotomy” which consists of a 3 inch incision made through the right side of the chest between the ribs. Heart-lung bypass is instituted with small tubes placed in the main artery and vein of the right leg through a 1 to 2 inch incision placed in the right groin crease. The heart is then stopped and the right atrium is opened to expose the ASD. At this point, specialized hand-held “chopstick” like instruments are inserted through this small incision by the surgeon to repair the defect. After the defect is repaired, the heart is then closed and restarted. Finally, heart-lung bypass is discontinued and the incisions are closed.



