Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Bertolotti syndrome

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Bertolotti syndrome is an uncommon cause of low back pain, particularly focused along the waistline slightly off to the side, that is often confused with sacroiliitis. Bertolotti syndrome is a diagnosis given to someone with symptomatic pain due to a transitional vertebra which is inflamed. Although it is a very rare cause of back pain, Bertolotti syndrome  is a very treatable diagnosis.

Most people with this transitional vertebra do not experience any symptoms. However, for the patients that do, it is important to rule out the other causes of back pain to include pain related to the lumbar disc, pain related to the lumbar facet joints, and even pain related to the sacroiliac joint. This may require specific imaging studies or specific injections to rule out these other pain generators.

For those patients that do have pain related to the pseudoarthrosis, minimally invasive spine surgery is recommended to reshape the enlarged transverse process and remove this transitional fake joint. Many patients have felt significantly better once this has been removed. Other treatment options have been reported, including fusing that region.

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