Global Treatment Services Pvt. Ltd.

Global Treatment Services

Pressure sores


You may know pressure sores by their more common name i.e, bedsores, pressure ulcers and decubitus (‘lying down’) ulcers. Bedsores can arise over hours or days. Pressure sores are areas of damage to the skin and the underlying tissue caused by constant pressure or friction. This type of skin damage can develop quickly to anyone with reduced mobility, such as older people or those confined to a bed or chair.

It affects the skin over bony areas such as the heels, elbows, the back of the head and the tailbone (coccyx) is particularly at risk. The lack of enough blood flow can cause the affected tissue to die if left untreated. Pressure sores can be difficult to treat and can lead to serious complications. Pressure sores are graded to four levels, If found early, there’s a good chance these sores will heal in a few days, with little fuss or pain. Without treatment, they can get worse. Most sores heal with treatment, but some never heal completely. You can take steps to put a stop to bedsores and help them heal.

Warning signs of pressure sores

Daily checks are needed to look for early warning signs including:

  • red, purple or blue torn or swollen skin, especially over bony areas
  • signs of infection, such as skin warmth, swelling, cracks, calluses, and wrinkles.

 Pressure Sores Diagnosis   

  • When did the sore appear?
  • Does it hurt?
  • How often do you change positions?
  • Have you ever had a pressure sore before?


Pressure Sores Stages/Grades and their  Symptoms

pressure sore

There are four stages of pressure sores from mild to severe:

Stage I

This is the mildest stage. These pressure sores only affect the upper layer of your skin.

Symptoms: Pain, burning, or itching are common symptoms. The spot may also feel different from the surrounding skin: firmer or softer, warmer or cooler.

You may notice a red area on your skin. If you have darker skin, the discolored area may be harder to see. The spot doesn’t get lighter when you press on it or even 10-30 minutes after you stop pressing. This means less blood is getting to the area.

Stage II

This happens when the sore digs deeper below the surface of your skin.

Symptoms: Your skin is broken, has an open wound, or looks like a pus-filled blister. The skin around it may be discolored.

The area is swollen, warm, and/or red. The sore may ooze clear fluid or pus. And it’s painful.

 Stage III

These sores have gone through the second layer of skin into the fat tissue.

Symptoms: The sore looks like a crater and may have a bad odor. It may show signs of infection: red edges, pus, odor, heat, and/or drainage. The tissue in or around the sore is black if it has died.

Stage IV

These sores are the most serious. Some may even go so deep they affect your muscles, ligaments, and bones.

Symptoms: The sore is deep and big. Skin has turned black and shows signs of infection—red edges, pus, odor, heat, and/or drainage. You may be able to see tendons, muscles, and bone.

Other stages

In addition to the four main stages for bed sores, there are two others:

Unstageable is when you can’t see the bottom of the sore because it’s covered in a layer of dead skin. Your doctor can only stage it once it’s cleaned out.

Suspected deep tissue injury is when the surface of the skin looks like a stage I or II sore, but underneath the surface, it’s a stage III or IV sore.

Risk factors for pressure sores

A pressure sore is caused by constant pressure applied to the skin over a period of time. The skin of older people tends to be thinner and more delicate, which means an older person has an increased risk of developing a pressure sore during a prolonged stay in bed.

Other risk factors for pressure sores include:

  • immobility and paralysis – for example due to a stroke or a severe head injury
  • being restricted to either sitting or lying down
  • impaired sensation or impaired ability to respond to pain or discomfort. For example, people with diabetes who experience nerve damage are at increased risk of pressure sores
  • urinary and faecal incontinence – skin exposed to urine or faeces is more susceptible to irritation and damage
  • malnutrition – can lead to skin thinning and poor blood supply, meaning that skin is more fragile
  • obesity – being overweight in combination with, for example, immobility or being restricted to sitting or lying down can place extra pressure on capillaries. This then reduces blood flow to the skin
  • circulation disorders – leading to reduced blood flow to the skin in some areas
  • smoking – reduces blood flow to the skin and, in combination with reduced mobility, can lead to pressure sores. The healing of pressure sores is also a slower process for people who smoke.

If you use a wheelchair you’re most likely to develop a pressure sore on the parts of the body where they rest against the chair. These may include the tailbone or buttocks, shoulder blades, spine and the backs of arms or legs.

If you’re bedridden, pressure sores can occur in a number of areas, including:

  • back or sides of the head
  • rims of the ears
  • shoulders or shoulder blades
  • hipbones
  • lower back or tailbone
  • backs or sides of the knees
  • heels, ankles and toes.

Treatment for pressure sores

There are a variety of treatments available to manage pressure sores and promote healing, depending on the severity of the pressure sore. These include:

  • regular position changes
  • special mattresses and beds that reduce pressure
  • being aware of the importance of maintaining healthy diet and nutrition
  • dressings to keep the sore moist and the surrounding skin dry. There is no advantage of one type of dressing over another.
  • saline gauze dressing may be used if ointments or other dressings (for example foam dressings) are unavailable.
  • light packing of any empty skin spaces with dressings to help prevent infection
  • regular cleaning with appropriate solutions, depending on the stage of the sore
  • there is no advantage of one particular type of antiseptic (e.g. iodine) or antibiotic treatment over another
  • specific drugs and chemicals applied to the area, if an infection persists
  • surgery to remove the damaged tissue that involves thorough debridement of the wound, the removal of underlying or exposed bone, and filling the empty space
  • operations to close the wound, using skin grafts if necessary
  • continuing supportive lifestyle habits such as eating a healthy and nutritious diet, as suggested by the nutritional staff.

Preventing pressure sores

If you are confined to a bed or chair for any period of time, it’s important to be aware of the risk of pressure sores. To prevent skin damage, you or your carer need to relieve the pressure, reduce the time that pressure is applied and improve skin quality. Pressure offloading surfaces such as mattresses and wheelchair cushions may help in providing pressure relief by evenly distributing the pressure.

Pressure injury monitoring devices that measure the skin moisture content, body motion and the pressure in-between may be used to prevent pressure sores and injuries. An example of a devices is pressure-sensing mats placed on beds or wheelchairs.

Develop a plan that your, your carer and any other caregivers can follow. This plan will include position changes, supportive devices, daily skin care, a nutritious diet and lifestyle changes.

A routine nursing assessment may be required if you’re at high risk of pressure sores. As visual skin assessment may sometimes be unreliable, early detection of pressure sores using some bedside technologies may help facilitate preventive interventions.

Pressure from medical devices such as oxygen tubing, catheters, cervical collars, casts and restraints should be minimised or removed.

Position changes to prevent pressure sores

If you use a wheelchair shift position within your chair about every 15 minutes. If you spend most of their time in bed change position at least once every two hours, even during the night and avoid lying directly on your hipbones.

Pillows may be used as soft buffers between your skin and the bed or chair. The head-of-bed elevation should be maintained at/or below 30 degrees. Or depending on the your medical condition, the bed should at least be elevated to the lowest degree to prevent injury. When lying on your side, a 30 degrees position should be used.

Daily skin care to prevent pressure sores

Ways to prevent pressure injuries include:

  • Checking the skin at least daily for redness or signs of discolouration.
  • Keeping the skin at the right moisture level, as damage is more likely to occur if skin is either too dry or too moist.
  • Using moisturising products to keep skin supple and prevent dryness.
  • Never massaging bony areas because the skin is too delicate.

Diet and lifestyle changes to avoid pressure sores

Changes to avoid pressure sores include:

  • Make sure you eat a healthy and nutritious diet. This includes a balanced diet (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and fluids/water. And if necessary,you’re your doctor about vitamin and nutritional supplements (e.g. zinc, antioxidants).
  • Low body weight or being overweight can cause pressure sores, so make sure you maintain heathy body weight
  • If you’re malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, protein, fluid and energy intake should be increased.
  • Be aware of using good hygiene practices.
  • Maintain activity levels, where appropriate.
  • Make sure you quit smoking.

 Tips for skin care

Consider these suggestions for skin care:

  • Keep skin clean and dry. Wash the skin with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Do this cleansing routine regularly to limit the skin’s exposure to moisture, urine and stool.
  • Protect the skin. Use moisture barrier creams to protect the skin from urine and stool. Change bedding and clothing frequently if needed. Watch for buttons on the clothing and wrinkles in the bedding that can irritate your skin.
  • Inspect the skin daily. Look closely at your skin daily for warning signs of a bedsore.

Further for any queries in regards to the  medical assistance please feel free to email us on or you can whatsapp us on +91 9880149003.

Thank you..!

Facial Palsy


Facial palsy is a condition in which the muscles in your face become weakened or paralyzed due to injury or disease. It usually affects one side of your face, causing it to droop or suddenly become stiff. resulting from some kind of trauma to the seventh cranial nerve, which controls your facial muscles. it causes difficulty in blinking, smiling, eating, drinking and speaking. Facial palsy can happen to anyone, it mostly affects people aged 15-60 years. It affects men and women equally. These patients often face psychological and social challenges and being treated as unfriendly and uninterested due to their appearance which can lead to chronic anxiety, isolation, least interested in daily activities, fear of negative reaction etc…There are definitive treatments available for facial palsy, depending on the duration of the disease. facial palsy treatment requires multi disciplinary approach like – plastic surgeon, ophthalmologist, oculoplastic surgeon, physiotherapist, speech therapist and clinical psychologist. Treatment always depends on several factors with most important being the time since the injury ha s occurred, if it has been 6months to a year old injury  simple operations like nerve repair and nerve transfer are appropriate treatments  yielding good results otherwise, it may require multiple treatments with physiotherapy as a crucial aspect of treatment.

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Facial palsy vs stroke

If you have symptoms of  facial palsy, you might be afraid you’re having a stroke. Both can cause single-sided facial paralysis and have similar symptoms, such as trouble closing your eye or drooping on one side of your face. But there are significant differences.

For example, if the eye on your paralyzed side is watering or you have sensitive hearing or ringing in your ear, it’s likely Bell’s palsy. Changes in your sense of taste are also signs of Bell’s palsy.

But if you feel numbness or weakness in your arms or legs on one side of your body, it could be a stroke. With Facial palsy, you shouldn’t feel weak or have trouble moving your tongue.

Whatever symptoms you’re having, if you suddenly have trouble moving one side of your face, get medical attention right away.


Although the exact reason facial /Bell’s palsy occurs isn’t clear, it’s often related to having a viral infection. Viruses that have been linked to Facial/Bell’s palsy include viruses that cause:

  • Cold sores and genital herpes, also known as herpes simplex.
  • Chickenpox and shingles, also known as herpes zoster.
  • Infectious mononucleosis, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.
  • Cytomegalovirus infections.
  • Respiratory illnesses, caused by adenoviruses.
  • German measles, also known as rubella.
  • Mumps, caused by the mumps virus.
  • Flu, also known as influenza B.
  • Hand-foot-and-mouth disease, caused by a coxsackievirus.


The onset of your symptoms may be sudden or may appear over two or three days. Alternatively your symptoms may develop slowly over time (over weeks, or even months).

  • Mild weakness to total paralysis on one side of the face — occurring within hours to days.
  • Facial droop and trouble making facial expressions, such as closing an eye or smiling.
  • Drooling.
  • Pain around the jaw or pain in or behind the ear on the affected side.
  • Increased sensitivity to sound on the affected side.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of taste.
  • Changes in the amount of tears and saliva produced.


There’s no specific test for Bell’s palsy. Your healthcare professional looks at your face and asks you to move your facial muscles. You’re asked to close your eyes, lift your brow, show your teeth and frown, among making other movements.

Other conditions — such as a stroke, infections, Lyme disease, inflammatory conditions and tumors — can cause facial muscle weakness that mimics Bell’s palsy. If the cause of your symptoms isn’t clear, your healthcare professional may recommend other tests, including:

  • Electromyography (EMG).
  • Imaging Scans (MRI, CT scan)
  • Blood tests


If you have Facial palsy, you’re likely to make a full recovery even if you don’t get treatment. But there are some things that may help you heal faster.

  • Corticosteroids (such as prednisone). These can help ease swelling of your facial nerve and help it start working normally faster. Corticosteroids work best if you take them soon after the start of your symptoms.
  • Antiviral drugs. Antiviral medications  are sometimes prescribed in combination with corticosteroids, typically in severe cases of Facial palsy. They don’t seem to have much effect when they’re taken alone.
  • Eye drops. If your Facial palsy affects your ability to blink and close your eye, use eye drops or an ointment to keep it moist. Wear an eye patch to keep dirt and dust out and moisture in.
  • Surgery. Surgery is usually a last resort if your symptoms don’t go away, or if you have complications.

Facial palsy therapy

Physiotherapy may help strengthen your facial muscles and help you get back facial coordination. You can also try massaging your face with your fingertips or exercising your facial muscles. Try to move every part of your face gently and slowly, using your fingers to help.


Most people with Facial palsy completely recover, sometimes the symptoms are permanent. and you may have long-term effects, such as – lopsided face, crooked smile, tightness of facial or neck muscle, narrowed eye etc.. But it’s not serious and usually clears up with early and appropriate treatments in a few months.

So, we  GTS is always available 24/7 at your service to assist and guide you with the right speciality of doctors  and everything in case you or your loved ones unfortunately encounter any type  major disease which may require therapies and surgery.

You can connect us at or WhatsApp us on +91 9880149003 for an free second opinion from major hospitals like Apollo hospitals, Manipal Hospitals, Aster Hospitals.

Thank you..!





Some people are born with a deviated septum, but it can also be caused by an injury to your nose. Most people with a deviated septum have one nasal passage that’s much smaller than the other. This can cause difficulty breathing. Other symptoms of a deviated septum may include frequent nosebleeds and facial pain. Surgery is the only way to fix a deviated septum(i.e, septoplasty)

Septoplasty is a minor, low-risk procedure inside your nose to straighten a deviated septum. It is generally performed to improve quality of life. Recovery usually takes a few days and requires an average of a week of downtime. But, as with any surgery, septoplasty carries some risks, including bleeding, infection and numbness. (1)


The main reasons for this surgery are:

  • To repair a crooked, bent, or deformed nasal septum that blocks the airway in the nose. People with this condition very often breathe through their mouth and may be more likely to get nasal or sinus infections.
  • To treat nosebleeds that cannot be controlled.
  • To help alleviate snoring resulting from a nasal blockage.

Potential risks of a septoplasty

  • bleeding
  • scarring
  • perforation of your septum, which happens when a hole forms in your septum
  • an altered nose shape
  • a discoloration of your nose
  • decreased sense of smell

Excessive bleeding and infection are possible risks of any surgery. Keeping your nose clean and washing your hands frequently can reduce these risks.


Septoplasty can improve airflow through your nasal passages. This can result in a number of benefits. For example, septoplasty:

  • Treats breathing problems caused by a deviated septum, nasal polyps or other similar conditions.
  • Can reduce or eliminate snoring, giving you a better night’s rest.
  • Allows your sinuses to drain better, resulting in fewer sinus infections.


Septoplasty is a minor surgery that offers major benefits for many people. It can open your nasal passages and improve your breathing. The wound on your nose will heal fairly quickly, However, the overall healing process can be slow. Cartilage and other nasal tissues can take up to a year to fully settle into their new shape.Most people experience no ongoing symptoms after the surgery. In some cases, however, the cartilage and nasal tissues continue to shift over time and eventually block airflow through the nose again. This means that a second surgery will be needed to reshape the nose and septum further.

further if your loved ones or anybody in your family or friends circle suffering from deviation septum or breathing difficulty, you can email us your queries at or WhatsApp us on +91 9880149003


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Rhinoplasty is the medical name for surgical procedures that some people call a “nose job,” “nose reshaping” or “nasal surgery.” It involves the surgical reconstruction and shaping of the bone and cartilage to enhance the appearance or function of the nose. The nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, and even a slight alteration in its size or shape can greatly change a person’s appearance. Many surgeons prefer to perform cosmetic nose surgery after the nasal bone has finished growing. This is around age 14 or 15 for girls and a bit later for boys. Post surgery swelling of the nose may persist for several weeks. It takes a year or more for all the swelling in the nose to resolve, but most patients see improvement in their appearance within a few weeks. however in few cases there is revision surgery required in fail rhinoplasty.

Causes for Rhinoplasty

Patients born with a defect that affects the development of the nose often benefit from rhinoplasty. These defects include:

  • cleft lip
  • craniosynostosis
  • frontonasal dysplasia
  • Tessier clefts
  • Treacher Collins syndrome
  • Apert syndrome
  • Hemangiomas
  • vascular malformations

What rhinoplasty can treat

  • Nose size in relation to facial balance
  • Nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils
  • Nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
  • Nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked
  • Nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
  • Nasal asymmetry

Risks involved

Risks for anesthesia and surgery in general are:

  • Reactions to medicines, problems breathing
  • Bleeding, infection, or bruising

Risks for this procedure include:

  • Loss of supThe tip of the nose may have some swelling and numbness for several months but will improve with time.port of the nose
  • Contour deformities of the nose
  • Worsening of breathing through the nose
  • Need for further surgery


People desire rhinoplasty surgery for different reasons. Some have trouble breathing through the nose. Others have had traumatic injury to the face and wish to correct the resulting asymmetry. Many rhinoplasty patients simply want to improve their appearance by altering the size or shape of the nose to make it more harmonious with their features. Rhinoplasty can be good if performed by an experienced practitioner. As in all plastic surgery procedures, there can be some unpredictability, and biologic systems can heal in different ways. however healing is a slow and gradual process.

Thank you..!

If you wish to have your nose job done under our guidance or any kind of medical assistance  well.. you can email us  at  or  whatsapp us anytime on +91 9880149003

we are available 24/7 at your service ..!


Breast Augmentation


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Breast augmentation Augmentation mammoplasty  is a cosmetic surgery technique using breast-implants and fat-graft mammoplasty techniques to increase the size, change the shape, and alter the texture of the breasts. Although in some cases augmentation mammoplasty is applied to correct congenital defects of the breasts and the chest wall. whereas in some cases it is used purely as a cosmetic surgery and post mastectomy for breast cancer.  primary breast augmentation changes the aesthetics – of size, shape, texture and fullness of breast. In some cases breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident. For others, it’s part of rebuilding the breast for various conditions.

Breast implants cost depends on the location, doctor, and type of implant used. Typically, the surgery ranges from $5,000 to $10,000/- tentatively. Because it is a cosmetic procedure and these Implants last from 7 to 12 years on  an average. If you’re considering breast augmentation, talk to a plastic surgeon. Make sure you understand what surgery involves, including possible risks, complications and follow-up care.

Reason for Augmentation Mammoplasty

  • It enhances your appearance if you think your breasts are small or that one is smaller than the other and this impacts how you dress or the type of bra needed to help with the asymmetry
  • It adjusts for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy or significant weight loss
  • It Corrects your uneven breasts after breast surgery for other conditions
  • It Improves your self-confidence
  • Reconstructive breast surgery may be done as a part of the treatment for breast cancer. Cosmetic breast surgery is done for esthetic purposes.

Surgical breast augmentation


There are four types of implant:

  1. Saline implants filled with sterile saline solution- the saline breast implant, filled with saline solution. The technical goal of saline-implant technique was a less-invasive surgical technique, by inserting an empty, rolled-up breast implant through a smaller surgical incision. the plastic surgeon would then fill each device with saline solution through a one-way valve and, because the required insertion incisions were short and small, the resultant incision scars would be smaller and shorter than the surgical scars typical of the pre-filled, silicone-gel implant surgical technique.
  2. Silicone implants filled with viscous silicone gel-Silicone gel-filled implants are silicone shells filled with a plastic gel (silicone). Although many women say that silicone gel implants feel more like real breasts than saline, they pose more of a risk if they leak.
  3. Alternative-composition implants (no longer manufactured), filled with various fillers such as soy oil or polypropylene string.
  4. “Structured” implants using nested elastomer silicone shells with saline between the shells – Structured implants were approved by the FDA and Health Canada in 2014 as a fourth category of breast implant. These implants incorporate both saline and silicone gel implant technology. The filler is saline solution, in case of rupture, and has a natural feel, like silicone gel implants.his implant type uses an internal structure consisting of three nested silicone rubber “shells” that support the upper half of the breast, with the two spaces between the three shells filled with saline. The implant is inserted, empty, then filled once in place, which requires a smaller incision than a pre-filled implant.


Breast augmentation poses various risks involved  such as follows:

  • Infection
  • Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)
  • Breast pain
  • Changes in nipple and breast sensation
  • Implant position changes
  • Implant leakage or rupture

Correcting these complications might require more surgery, to either remove or replace the implants.


Breast augmentation is a way to feel more confident but, breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime. You may need to have the implants replaced if you have complications or if the size and shape of your breasts change over time.

Women who have silicone gel-filled implants need to get regular mammogram screenings yearly plus an MRI or ultrasound scan five to six years after the initial implant surgery and every two to three years after that to check for silent rupture. If you have symptoms at any time or uncertain ultrasound results for breast implant rupture, an MRI is recommended If your implants rupture, you will need to have them removed or replaced.

We at GTS meditourism  India assist the patients from various countries to get the right second opinion, diagnosis and treatment plan so that they can plan their visit abroad and  post confirmation also we assist the patient and their attenders get all the necessary arrangement suuport inregardss to the medical visa ,accomodation, best hospital guidance, post surgery follow ups and medications supply etc..

For further enquiry please email us at or whatsapp us  anytime on +91 9880149003




Magical Benefits of Indian Blackberry / Jamun Fruit



This small, purple fruit, also known as Java Plum, packs a punch of flavours and health perks. This fruit has been prized in old medical systems like Ayurveda for ages for offering amazing healing perks as believed. In this blog, we’ll explore the many proposed health benefits that jamun/java plum brings including blood sugar control and boosting your immune system.  From culinary delights to potential well-being boosters, Jamun is a remarkable addition to the realm of fruits.

Jamun aka Javaplum is a delicious and vibrant fruit celebrated for its distinctive purple hue and sweet-tart taste. Scientifically termed Syzygium cumini, Jamun belongs to the Syzygium family. Belonging to the Indian subcontinent, it flourishes in tropical climates.

The fruit features smooth, shiny skin and juicy, dark purple flesh surrounding a large seed. Its flavour is a delightful sweetness and slight acidity, making it a popular choice in various culinary creations.

Besides its delectable taste, Jamun is valued for its potential health benefits. It is believed to contribute to well-being and contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The fruit is also known for its role in traditional medicine systems.

Whether enjoyed fresh, juiced, or incorporated into jams and desserts, Jamun stands out for its enticing taste and the nutritional goodness it brings to the table.

Health Benefits of Jamun

Besides being a delightful culinary treat, Jamun is renowned for its health advantages. Let’s dig into the few:

Rich in Antioxidants

Jamun is a potent source of antioxidants, notably polyphenols and anthocyanins. These bioactive compounds are crucial in neutralising harmful free radicals within the body. Doing so protects cells from oxidative stress, reducing the risk of chronic issues and promoting overall well-being. Jamun is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that contributes to various health benefits.

Boosts Immunity

Jamun is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients. Vitamin C is known for its role in helping the immune system and body defend itself against infections and illnesses.

Blood sugar control and diabetes management 

For a diabetic, keeping tabs on the blood sugar levels is a must. Here’s where according to some studies jamun juice may help:

  • Seeds inside the jamun have a component called jamboline. This possibly aids in slow conversion of starch into sugar, helping control blood sugar.
  • Jamun juice may help reduce chances of issues linked to diabetes like kidney disease and heart troubles.

Increase the Haemoglobin Count

Since Jamun has a considerable amount of vitamin C and Iron, it can increase the haemoglobin count. Also, the iron content can act as a blood purifier and might also prevent jaundice, anaemia etc.

Improves your Eye and Skin Health

As Jamun increases Haemoglobin in your body, it helps to enhance your eye and skin health. In addition, the fruit is also rich in vitamin C and A, which are good for the skin. Nevertheless, if you have oily skin, you can consume Jamun, which will help clear your skin naturally and reduce acne due to its astringent property.

Can Aid in Weight Loss

Jamun is a rich source of fibre and has significantly low calories, and one of the advantages of Jamun is that it is ideal for a weight loss diet. So, you can include it in your diet for better results, and it also reduces the water retention in your body.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Jamun has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties attributed to its bioactive compounds. Inflammation is associated with many health issues, including chronic diseases. Jamun’s anti-inflammatory effects may contribute to reducing inflammation in the body, promoting better health.

Protect Against Infections

From ancient times, Jamun has been used as a remedy against germs and body infections. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of Jamun help fight fungus and bacteria, and also it might allow the healing of wounds faster. Apart from it, it can also reduce weakness and fatigue and keep you fresh and energetic.

Strengthens Gums and Teeth

One of the benefits of eating Jamun fruit is that it improves oral hygiene. The antibacterial properties can cure gum bleeding and keep tissues healthy. Furthermore, if used as a tooth powder, it can keep your teeth strong.

Supports healthy digestion 

Maintaining a sound digestive system is so key to our overall health. Here’s how jamun juice might make it possible:

  • Ingredients called tannins and gallic acid in the juice lower diarrhea and similar digestive issues.
  • The juice’s astringent qualities may bring some relief to irritated intestines also.

How to Use Jamun

To make the most of Jamun’s goodness, integrate it into your daily diet in various ways:

  • Fresh Consumption: Enjoy Jamun as a refreshing snack by eating the ripe fruit directly.
  • Juices and Smoothies: Extract the juice and include it in homemade smoothies for a nutritious boost.
  • Jamun Tea: Create a healthy infusion by steeping dried Jamun leaves in hot water.
  • Jamun-infused Water: Add Jamun slices to water for a subtle fruity flavour and a nutrient kick.
  • Jams and Sauces: Prepare homemade jams, sauces, or chutneys using Jamun for a unique flavour twist.
  • Salads: Toss Jamun into salads to enhance taste and nutritional content.
  • Desserts: Incorporate Jamun into desserts like puddings, sorbets, or ice creams.
  • Dried Snacks: Sun-dry Jamun to create nutritious dried snacks for a quick energy boost.

Usage in Ayurveda and traditional medicine

Jamun juice holds a key place in olden medical systems like Ayurveda. Here’s how:

  • Used to solve tummy problems like runny belly or constipation.
  • Around the world, it is believed and used to keep the liver healthy.
  • Traditionally, across cultures, the juice is consumed to control diabetes and keep blood sugar in check.

Possible side effects and precautions

It is evident that there are multiple health benefits of eating Jamun. But, individuals must also learn that consumption of too many Jamuns can be bad for health However, if you are suffering from any disease or illness, it is advised to consult a medical expert to avoid any side effects of black plum.

  • Drinking a lot of jamun juice may make blood sugar drop suddenly, so you need to keep a limit.
  • If you’re pregnant or nursing, always ask your doctor before including jamun juice in your meals. Overconsumption of Jamun can lead to excess accumulation of sputum in the lungs.
  • It might not be suitable for people, those who are advised to reduce fibre intake.
  • Jamun should be avoided after undergoing surgery as it lowers the blood pressure level.
  • Excess consumption of Jamun might not be suitable for your throat and can lead to fever and body ache.


Jamun is a delightful fruit and a powerhouse of health benefits. From bolstering immunity to supporting heart health, its diverse advantages make it a valuable addition to your diet. However, it’s crucial to enjoy Jamun in moderation and be aware of potential side effects. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalised advice, You can easily make jamun juice at home and rejoice its taste as well as reap its benefits.

Thank you..!

























































Pituitary Tumor/Pituitary adenoma


The pituitary gland is a small pea-sized organ in the brain. located behind the nose at the base of the brain, your pituitary gland controls a lot of important stuff- like your growth, heart rate, and ability to have kids. It’s sometimes called the MASTER GLAND because it tells your other glands when to make more hormones. Those hormones then move throughout your body and tell your organs what they need to do to keep everything in working order. Treatments may require surgery and medication to block excess hormone production or shrink the tumour. In some cases, radiation also be used.

A pituitary gland tumor is a group of abnormal cells that grows out of control in your pituitary gland. Most of these tumors are not cancerous or benign, Still, the tumors can cause serious problems, either because of their size (large tumors) or because they make extra hormones your body doesn’t need (functioning tumors).



When you have a genetic condition, you have a defect in one or more genes. Some conditions may make you more likely to get pituitary tumors, such as:

  • Carney complex (rare genetic disorder that causes many noncancerous tumors)
  • Familial isolated pituitary adenoma, or FIPA (rare condition that makes your body grow larger than normal)
  • Isolated familial acromegaly (similar to FIPA)
  • McCune-Albright syndrome (rare condition of that shows up as abnormalities in your bones and skin)
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia, type I and type IV (MEN1, MEN4) (Disorders that can cause tumors in your glands)


Sometimes, a pituitary tumor may press on or damage parts of the pituitary gland, causing it to stop making one or more hormones. Too little of a certain hormone will affect the work of the gland or organ that the hormone controls. The following signs and symptoms may occur:

  • problems with vision and certain physical changes.
  • Headache
  • loss of body hair
  • In women, less frequent or no menstrual periods or no milk from the breasts.
  • In men, loss of facial hair, growth of breast tissue, and impotence.
  • In women and men, lower sex drive. In children, slowed growth and sexual development.
  • Dizziness
  • Seizures
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Runny or “drippy” nose (cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord leaks into the nose).


  • MRI of the pituitary. This test uses large magnets, radio waves, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures in your body without the use of X-rays.
  • Blood, urine tests & Biopsy. During this test, the provider removes a tissue sample with a needle or during surgery. It is then checked under a microscope. A biopsy can tell if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.


Treatment will depend on your symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

Treatment may include:

  • Surgery to remove the tumor. Surgery is often a better choice for smaller tumors.
  • External radiation (external beam therapy). This treatment sends high levels of radiation right to the tumor cells. Special shields may be used to protect the tissue around the treatment area. These treatments are painless and often last a few minutes.
  • Radiosurgery (stereotactic radiosurgery) or gamma knife treatment. This is often 1 high dose of radiation sent right into the tumor tissue. It causes less damage to nearby tissues. It is not actually surgery. But like surgery, it is a 1-session treatment that removes the tumor.
  • Medicine. Different types of medicine may be used to control how much growth hormone, prolactin, or other hormone is made by the tumor.


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